
FJ Related Articles Component 3x

Mark Dexter

FJ Related Articles Component 3x Documentation

Important Note: FJ Related Articles Component 3x is for Joomla versions 3.x (for example 3.2 and 3.5). If you are running Joomla version 2.5, please use [FJ Related Articles Component 2011|FJ related Component 2011.]Thanks.

This contains information for using the FJ Related Articles Component 3x. This component is the same as FJ Related Component 2011 except that it works in Joomla version 3. It includes a Related Articles Blog and Related Articles List menu item. These menu items (also called layouts) look very similar to the standard Joomla! Category Blog and Categor List layouts. However, articles display based on matching keywords and optionally author information with a "selected" article. See below for more information.


  1. Download the zip file (for example, from the files section of the project.
  2. Select Extensions / Install/Uninstall from the menu, press the Browse button to locate the downloaded zip file, and press Upload File & Install.
  3. Note: You do not need to install any other files for this component.

Create a Related Articles Blog or List Menu Item

  1. If you like, create or edit an article to use as the "intro" article. This article will have the list of keywords you want to use when selecting articles to show in the layout. You can also incude this article's author or author alias. For example, if you wanted to create a blog layout with articles with the keywords "Cat" or "Dog", you would create or edit an article with these keywords. Alternatively, you can simple enter one or more keywords in the parameters instead of using an intro article.
  2. Create a new blog or list menu item using the component. Navigate to Menu Item Manager, select "New", and select the FJ Related Blog or List menu item. In the parameters, select the article created in (1) above as the "selected" article (or simply enter in the desired keywords to match).
  3. Decide on the other options to use in the layout. These layouts offer options similar to the standard Category Blog and List layouts, plus additional options to help control the way articles are selected.
  4. That's it. Your new menu item is ready to use.

Using the Related Articles Component

When you install the FJ Related Articles Component, two new Menu Items will show when you create a new Menu Item. These are shown below.


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Wiki: FJ Related Articles Component Home
Wiki: FJ Related Component 3x Blog Options
Wiki: FJ Related Component 3x List Options