
Wizard doesn't start 'cause bad version

  • Fritz Schönenberger

    When I choose the "+ Fat Jar Exporter" and press the "next"-button following error appears:

    The selected wizard could not be started.
      Plug-in net.sf.fjep.fatjar was unable to load class net.sf.fjep.fatjar.wizard.FJExportWizard.
      Bad version number in .class file

    I've no idea how to solve that problem. Did I not properly installed the plug-in? It lies in the plug-in folder an I've started eclipse from the terminal with -clean

    I'm using eclipse Version 3.4.1 and net.sf.fjep.fatjar_0.0.29.jar on OSX Leopard.

    Would be nice if anybody could help me.
    - Fritz

    • Ferenc Hechler

      Ferenc Hechler - 2009-02-26

      Hello Fritz,

      how did you install Fat-Jar (Update-URL or Download ZIP-File)?
      What JDK do you use?
      I assume it is 1.4.x.
      I rebuilt the Plug-In with jdk 1.4 to be compatible, perhaps I missed it in the Update-URL and it was built using JDK 1.5.

      I will take a look at it.

      Best regards,


    • Fritz Schönenberger

      Hello Feri

      Thanks for trying to help me.

      To answer your questions:
      - I dowloaded the ZIP-File (and put the jar into the plugin-directory)
      - Hmm, I think I'm using JDK 1.5.0. My Projectfolder contains "JRE System Library [JVM 1.5.0 (MacOS X Default)]". Are there any Preferences where I can switch between the JDKs?

      speaking of preferences I've just  found the "Fat Jar Preferences". When I select it, another error message apears:

      Unable to create the selected preference page.
      Unable to create the selected preference page.
      Bad version number in .class file.

      Thank you for your support!
      - Fritz

    • Fritz Schönenberger

      Hello Feri

      Thanks for trying to help me.

      To answer your questions:
      - I dowloaded the ZIP-File (and put the jar into the plugin-directory)
      - Hmm, I think I'm using JDK 1.5.0. My Projectfolder contains "JRE System Library [JVM 1.5.0 (MacOS X Default)]". Are there any Preferences where I can switch between the JDKs?

      speaking of preferences I've just  found the "Fat Jar Preferences". When I select it, another error message apears:

      Unable to create the selected preference page.
      Unable to create the selected preference page.
      Bad version number in .class file.

      Thank you for your support!
      - Fritz

    • Robert Ross

      Robert Ross - 2009-03-03

      I can confirm that this same exact thing happens regardless of whether you deploy manually or use the Update Site.  I get the exact same behavior as described above.

    • JonnyK

      JonnyK - 2009-03-03

      I am also seeing the same problem.

      I am running Eclipse 3.4.2 on MacOSX Leopard 10.5.6
      The JVM that eclipse is using is 1.5.0_16-133.

    • pwade

      pwade - 2009-03-03

      Same thing here.  I tried manual as well as using the update site also, same result.  MyEclipse 7.0 20081201, JVM 1.5.0_11-b03.

    • Paulo Breda Vieira

      I am using JBuilder 2008 turbo (eclipse based), and was having the same problem. I added 
      -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin\javaw.exe"
      to the JBuilder shortcut, and now fat jar is ok.

      Maybe something similar will work for you,


      • Ferenc Hechler

        Ferenc Hechler - 2009-03-04

        The problem should be fixed with the build 0.0.30 of Fat-Jar.
        Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • Ferenc Hechler

      Ferenc Hechler - 2009-03-04

      Hello Fritz,

      the problem should be fixed with the build 0.0.30 of Fat-Jar.
      I tested the version with jdk1.4.2 on Eclipse 3.4.2 and 3.5M5.

      Sorry for the inconvenience.


      • Ferenc Hechler

        Ferenc Hechler - 2009-03-04

        again broken...
        I don´t believe it!
        Something odd happens with my laptop,
        please still be patient.

    • Ferenc Hechler

      Ferenc Hechler - 2009-03-04

      With release 0.0.31 this issue should finally be fixed!
      Installed Eclipse 3.1.2 to select Class-File Compatibility 1.1 and Source-Compatibility 1.3. Must also be possible with newer releases, but I was unable to figure it out.
      Tested with jdk1.4.2 and Eclipse 3.5M5 (preferences appeared)

    • Fritz Schönenberger

      You did it! Thanks Mr. Hechler!
      I've tried it out (Eclipse: 3.4.1, JVM 1.5.0, OSX 10.5.2) and could export my first _fat.jar! Jeaaah!

      (Well, the jar-launcher still can't find some libraries. But that's another story, probably my fault. Maybe I'll post a new Thread later)

      Thanks again!
      - Fritz


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