
Very - VERY- nice

  • John Armstrong

    John Armstrong - 2006-05-01

    Thanks everyone, this plug-in saved my bacon tonight and I look forward to watching it progress, requesting features, reporting bugs and supporting further.

    Keep it up!

    • Mubbashir

      Mubbashir - 2006-08-04

      Same gose from my side,i have just created a log-in on so that i can just thank you guys i was indeed in a need of such tool this is just the way i want it to be, so thnx alot keep it up.

    • Daniel

      Daniel - 2008-03-31

      THANK YOU!

      You guys made my day :-)

      Hours of testing - futile.
      But just some klicks with your Plugin.

      Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

    • James Carroll

      James Carroll - 2008-11-29

      Add my kudos to the pile. 

      I work in a very large MS shop that has a group dedicated to deciding what we developers can and can not install and they're basically jerks. So my boss, who knows Java, but not FatJar asked me if I could "do something".  So I converted the VB app to Java, FatJar'd it (including the DB driver jars), sent the whole lot to him in an email with the message "Copy, paste, enjoy".  He was ecstatic.

      The best part came at the next meeting with the network admins. My boss got them all riled up about their "process" etc and then dropped, "Well, what if it was just a java app that didn't touch the registry?".  To hear (it was a conference call) those guys just cough and stutter... "Well, I guess there's nothing we could really do about that..." had me and my boss on the floor laughing.

      Freakin' classic...



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