
FIXtail / News: Recent posts

FIXtail version 1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 of FIXtail has been released. FIXtail is an extended version of GNU tail, with extra features targeted primarily (though not exclusively) at bandwidth and latency analysis of Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol log files.

This is a bugfix release, fixing the following bugs:

- Special-case handling for year-end timestamp rollover when the input timestamp format does not include year information.... read more

Posted by Scott Bigham 2009-01-02

FIXtail version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of FIXtail has been released. FIXtail is an extended version of GNU tail, with extra features targeted primarily (though not exclusively) at bandwidth and latency analysis of Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol log files.

This is a bugfix release, fixing the following bugs:

- When multiple files are being followed, the default multi-file sample output format should not be used if the user has specified a format with the -o option.
- When multiple files are being followed in --sample mode, the standard GNU tail ==> filename <== headers should not be printed, as they are redundant with the %f format sequence in the sample output format.... read more

Posted by Scott Bigham 2008-08-29

FIXtail version 20080626 released

Version 20080618 of FIXtail has been released. FIXtail is an extended version of GNU tail, with extra features targeted primarily (though not exclusively) at bandwidth and latency analysis of Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol log files.

New features in this release:

- Latency monitoring via the --latency option has been expanded; per-sample-interval reports can now include the median and 5th/95th percentile of observed latency.
- The new option --local-timestamp provides support for inputs whose per-line timestamp is in local time rather than GMT.... read more

Posted by Scott Bigham 2008-06-26

FIXtail version 20080618 released

Version 20080618 of FIXtail has been released. FIXtail is an extended version of GNU tail, with extra features targeted primarily (though not exclusively) at bandwidth and latency analysis of Financial Information Exchange (FIX) protocol log files.

New features in this release:

- Latency/jitter analysis, via the --latency option. This initial implementation can report mean, minimum/maximum and standard deviation of latency per sample interval; plans for future versions include median and 5th/95th-percentile latencies.
- The new --payload-regex option allows you to ignore portions of a message log entry (like a local timestamp) for bandwidth reporting purposes.... read more

Posted by Scott Bigham 2008-06-18