
Receiving FIX msgs with FIX4NET

  • Wolf Wiegand

    Wolf Wiegand - 2009-02-09


    I am trying to receive trading information from a sell-side broker. Can this be done with fix4net, or is this rather a server side implementation only? If it is not, were would I start? My first guess was using the SocketListen example, but as far as I understand, this only serves to publish trading information to connected parties. Is there an example as to how receive trading information with fix4net?

    Thanks in advance -


    • Charles

      Charles - 2009-02-19

      -I am trying to receive trading information from a sell-side broker. Can this be done with fix4net, or is this rather a server side implementation only?

      It will support both buy and sell side broker. The engine lets you send any message which could NewOrderSingle or ExecutionReport. The IEngine interface has a Received event that fires when it receives, validates, and caches a message and this could be any type of message too.

      The key to processing received messages is to do the following:
      _engine.Received += new MessageEventHandler(engine_Received);

      private static void engine_Received(IEngine _engine, IMessage message)
                  if (String.Equals(message.MsgType, "8"))
                      //add processing code here

      Sorry for the late response.  I misplaced the email alert.

      • Wolf Wiegand

        Wolf Wiegand - 2009-02-19


        thanks a lot for your reply. It all seems clearer now to me.




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