
Fit / News: Recent posts

Fit 1.1 for Java and .NET released

Fit 1.1 has been released for Java and .NET.

Fit is a tool for agile collaboration on software requirements. It's also an acceptance testing framework.

Fit allows customers to give examples of program behavior using standard business tools like Word and Excel and it allows programmers to easily turn those examples into automated tests. By doing so, Fit give customers, testers, and programmers a powerful tool for sharing what their software /should/ do and what it /does/ do.... read more

Posted by James Little 2005-04-08

Fit 1.0 for Java and .NET released

Fit 1.0 has been released for Java and .NET. This release is identical to the earlier RC1 release: if you already have that, nothing has changed other than the file name.

About Fit:
Fit is an acceptance testing tool with the goal of facilitating communication between customers, testers, and developers. It allows customers to create examples of how their software should behave using familiar tools such as Word and Excel. It allows testers to explore scenarios and demonstrate correctness. It gives developers clear, unambiguous feedback about whether the software works in the way the customers' and testers' examples show it should.... read more

Posted by James Little 2004-11-19