


Language Decision Making

The purpose of this project is summarized here: projectSummary

Endusers: Study-Nurses, Radiologists which are aktively involved in research
Based on the endusers profile, a graphical user interface is very important

Developers: Most likely computer scientists and Radiologists with programming background. A Study-nurse or Radiologist with no programming background would neither develop in C++ nor Python.

Usage: It is planned to use FISTDI for multiple studies. It is very likely that a stable release is needed relatively soon.

* I personally have more experience in C++ than Python.

Choosing between C++ and Python

Functionality C++ Python
Analysing File-/Directory Hierarchies medium (needs some handwork) good (built-in)
DICOM reading and writing DCMTK, GDCM (good) PyDICOM (good)
GUI Integration Qt (good) ?
GUI and Functionality modularisation good might be as time comsuming as in C++ when implementing well defined modularization
Finetuning of GUI elements good ?
Packaging Installers CMake/CPack (good) PyInstaller (good), Py2EXE (WinOnly)
Portability, X-Plattform ok/good (CI is anyway planned) ?
Continuous Integration (CI Jenkins) medium medium
Managing and including external projects CMake (good) ?
- C++ Python
Necessary Programming Skills for Developers real programming knowhow scripting sufficient
Rewriting project if demands completely change if architecture of code not flexible, then it is a hassle might be faster todo than in C++
For Prototyping possible better
For Stable Releases better possible (most likely you anyway cannot include code from inexperienced programmers or script kiddies)
Usage of Program without needing a computer scientist to operate likely less likely (cuz u wont program nicely ;-P)
Processing of Patientdata sophisticated and well tested libraries to encrypt local and temporary data some libraries seem to have relatively poor implementation of cryptography