
Firewall Tunnel / News: Recent posts

Firewall Tunnel 1.0 Supports Linux, Windows and Solaris now

The Firewall Tunnel 1.0 release adds Windows
support and various bugs have been fixed to
improve it's stability.

Right now both the tunnel front-end and back-end can
run on Linux, Windows and Solaris. You can mix
front-end and back-end running on different platforms
as well which adds more flexibility in configuration.

The only limitation of functionality of Windows/Solaris
Backend is that it doesn't support "proprietary socket"
mode. Also the windows build depends on Cygwin and
the pre-compiled Windows binaries from the "Files"
section need Cygwin DLL to run.

Posted by Kevin Kaichuan He 2004-04-07

Firewall Tunnel FE0.9.1 & BE0.9.2 Released

Basic IP access control is added to FE to only
allow client from specified IP address to connect to
the FE.

The BE Makefile and source are updated to be in sync
with recent linux distribution like Redhat 8.0. Also
the libnet dependent part has been updated to
work with libnet-1.1 which has significant API change
from libnet-0.9.

A bug in "proprietary socket" mode of BE was fixed:.
It doesn't exit with the following error message any more:
"Front End shoudn't work in SOCKs mode or send server redirection/
< when BE is working in Proprietary Socket mode... read more

Posted by Kevin Kaichuan He 2004-04-02

Firewall Tunnel FEv0.9 and BEv0.9.1 Released!

SOCKS4 proxy is supported in this new release!
So you can use firewall tunnel as your socks proxy
server and point to the FT Frontend in netscape or
other TCP applications' socks4 proxy configuration. The Firewall Tunnel will proxy
TCP requests all the way from frontend to
backend to the ultimate server. SOCKS4
protocol is used for the client to convey
to the FT frontend the ultimate server to
tunnel to on per connection basis.

Posted by Kevin Kaichuan He 2002-01-29

Firewall Tunnel FE v0.8 and BE v0.9 Released!

Firewall Tunnel Backend was ported to Solaris! And flow control was refined to support downloading huge file (e.g. 50Mbytes) over Firewall Tunnel better.

Posted by Kevin Kaichuan He 2002-01-20

Firewall Tunnel FE 0.7 &amp; BE 0.8 released!

Firewall Tunnel is a simple two-parts (FE:Frontend and BE:Backend) tunnel that allows servers behind a firewall to export services to clients outside the firewall.

Multiple TCP/UDP flows can be tunneled within one TCP connection. The true client address (IP address and port number) instead of the Tunnel FE/BE's address can be seen by the server which makes the server-side accounting or access control based on client address possible through Firewall Tunnel. ... read more

Posted by Kevin Kaichuan He 2001-12-11