
Finite Transform Library / News: Recent posts

FRTW Major LGPL Release 1.50

I have just released a major version of the FRTW library.

The work of Chandra and Svalbe (2009) on the Number theoretic Radon Transform (NRT) can now be found in the Radon module.

The work of Chandra et al. (2012) published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing on Recovering Missing Discrete Fourier Slices using Ghosts can be found in the new Ghosts module.

FRTW is now also available under the more commercial friendly LGPL license.... read more

Posted by Shakes 2013-04-21

NTTW Major Release 1.31

I have updated NTTW with better CMake support, a more commercial friendly license and more apps.

FRTW Update coming soon...


Posted by Shakes 2013-04-07

FRTW and NTTW Minor Releases

New versions FRTW and NTTW have been released. New features include CMake Build system support, so that qmake is no longer required. CMake is simpler, smaller and just better in the long run. Other changes are to match the up coming release of a new version of DGV.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Posted by Shakes 2010-08-31

FRTW 1.36 Minor Release

A new (minor) release of the FRTW library has been released. An issue with the Discrete Radon Transform (DRT) routine and new Blockcopy DRT routines have been introduced.

You will need Version 1.23 of NTTW for this release. Any feedback is appreciated.


Posted by Shakes 2010-06-29

NTTW 1.23 and FRTW 1.35 Released

New versions of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) library NTTW and the Discrete Radon Transform library FRTW have been released.

FRTW is now fully operational with a new research result called the Fast Mojette Transform (FMT) found on as arXiv:1006.1965v1 [] ( NTTW has been updated to match. You will need to build and install NTTW and then FRTW to use it. See logs below.... read more

Posted by Shakes 2010-06-13

NTTW Version 1.22 Released

A new version of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) library NTTW has been released. It features new fast prime length NTTs based on Rader's algorithm and signed array support.

Any questions and feedback is welcome.


Full Changes:
Version 1.22
- Added fast prime length NTTs and their test apps. These only work for the 64-bit build of the library.
- Added 2D version of this NTT. These only work for the 64-bit build of the library.
- Added number theoretic functions helpers for these NTTs and its test app
- Added NTT and iNTT apps
- Added signed arrays support
- Added Benchmarking python script
- Updated the documentation

Posted by Shakes 2010-05-14

NTTW Version 1.0 Released

The full version of the Number Theoretic Transforms library has been released. It also features simple array, image and timing (in micro-seconds) modules.

Expect to see the next module soon! :)


Version 1.0
Made library fully 32-bit and 64-bit only compliant.
Added Timing module and test.
Improved performance of library.
Added Prime/Number Theory module.
Updated tests and benchmark apps to match.
Added 32-bit and 64-bit modes in project file.
Removed Qt4 library dependencies. Only needs qmake to build library now.

Posted by Shakes 2009-10-28