
#25 Dumb methods toUpperCase() and toLowercase()


Briefly, String's toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()
methods with no arguments should be flagged as dumb
methods. They cause particular problems for Java
programs running in Turkish locales because in Turkish
i is not the lower case form of I and vice versa. See for
details. Normally one should use toUpperCase(Locale.EN)
and toLowerCase(Locale.EN) instead.

1 Exception:

toHexString().toUpperCase()/toLowerCase because hex
strings never contain the letters i/I.

I looked at the code for to see if I
could add this myself, but it wasn't immediately
obvious how to do that. This is probably low-hanging
fruit for someone who knows the FindBugs code though.


  • Dave Brosius

    Dave Brosius - 2004-10-11

    Logged In: YES

    The problem of course is, there are zillions of calls that don't
    use the parameterized one. Often toLowerCase/toUpperCase
    are not used for graphical reasons, but to circumvent String's
    case sensitivity with regard to map keys, et. al. In this case,
    it probably isn't a problem. I think this would produce a ton of
    false positives. Just a guess, tho.

  • Elliotte Rusty Harold

    Logged In: YES

    No, it's exactly the opposite. These zillions of calls where
    toLowercase/toUppercase are not used for graphical reasons,
    but to circumvent String's case sensitivity with regard to
    map keys, et. al. are exactly what breaks in Turkish
    locales. toUpperCase()/toLowerCase() with no specified
    locale should only be used for graphical display to the
    user. Even then, this only works if the text has been
    localized to the user's locale. English text displayed in a
    Turkish locale should use toLowerCase(Locale.EN) instead of
    the no-args version. And pretty much all cases not involving
    display to the end user should use toLowerCase(Locale.EN)
    instead of the no-args version (unless for some reason the
    variables are in French, or Turkish or some such language,
    in which case they should use Locale.FR, etc. but they still
    shouldn't use the no-args version). The no-args version is
    almost always wrong.

  • Dave Brosius

    Dave Brosius - 2004-10-11

    Logged In: YES

    Well, it's easy enough to put in. I can do that, and I guess
    Dave and Bill can decide whether it will give too much pain.
    Perhaps reporting at LOW_PRIORITY would be ok, dunno.

  • Dave Brosius

    Dave Brosius - 2004-10-13
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dbrosius
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dave Brosius

    Dave Brosius - 2004-10-13

    Logged In: YES


  • Steve Ebersole

    Steve Ebersole - 2015-04-17

    Can I ask what version this is in? Is that the purpose of "Group" to the left? Sorry I do not understand this tracker...

    This coding "technique" bites Hibernate a lot and I wanted to have this check. I just tried 3.0.1 using the Gradle plugin because says this check should be part of 3.0.1. But I do not get this reported.


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