
Tree [cd996c] master beta_0_85_release /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 build 2013-02-12 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [c1d3ba] Creating project in source forge
 executable 2013-02-12 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [c1d3ba] Creating project in source forge
 launcher 2013-02-12 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [c1d3ba] Creating project in source forge
 res 2013-03-14 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [abe20e] Updated documentation to include features in v ...
 scripts 2013-03-14 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [d2efb6] script fixes
 setup 2013-03-14 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [53b7a4] Added help to setup, fixed windows make script.
 src 2013-03-14 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [23525d] Fixed color matrix UI fix.
 .gitignore 2013-02-12 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [cf3f5f] Fixing some build scripts
 LICENSE 2013-02-12 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [c1d3ba] Creating project in source forge
 README.txt 2013-03-13 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [c13400] Added About dialog, added license information t...
 RELEASE_NOTES.txt 2013-03-14 Kiia Kallio Kiia Kallio [cd996c] Added release notes.

Read Me

Filtered (c) 2002-2013 Kiia Kallio

Filtered is a tool for editing SVG filters. See res/Help/Index.html for usage.
Filtered is free software, released under BSD licence. See LICENSE for more

Version 0.85, 2013-03-14

Building Filtered


- Java JDK (currently built with Java 7, available from
- Batik (available from
- Inno Setup (only if building windows installer, available form

Source Tree:

build:      Directory where class files get built
executable: Directory where stand-alone app / exe gets built
launcher:   Stand-along app/exe launchers for mac and windows
res:        Various resources used by the app; example files, presets,
            thumbnails, help files etc.
scripts:    Build scripts
setup:      Scripts for constructing setup package (shell script for mac /
            Inno Setup script for win)
src:        Java source files


- All files except Batik are in this directory and subdirectories.
  - Apache Batik is assumed to be in ../batik-1.7/. Copy it there first
    (or change scripts to reflect location).
- Build scripts for windows and mac are in ./scripts.
  - Doesn't use make, ant, eclipse project etc. Feel free to use your favourite
    solution, currently these simple scripts are enough for me.
  - .sh files for mac, .bat files for windows
  - compile.* builds the java classes (to build/fi/uiah/mlab/filtered)
  - run.* executes filtered directly from classes
  - builds the stand-alone executable package for
    mac or windows from classes in build/...
    - JRE is copied to the package, on windows the location is assumed
      to be C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\. On mac the script uses
      /usr/libexec/java_home to find out Java location to copy from.
  - makejar.* builds platform-independent jar distributable.
  - makedoc.* compiles the class documentation
  - clean.* cleans up the build

Constructing Setup Packages:
  - Perform steps compile and makeapp/makeexe first.
  - Setup scripts are in setup/win and setup/mac
  - On win, you'll need to have Inno Setup installed. Open and compile
    the script with Inno Setup. This produces an installer exe.
  - On mac, run the This produces an installer dmg.