
File Sort python / News: Recent posts

First step - File Sort Python in open Beta

Reached beta!
Now for a quick description of what it does:

A Python script that allows you to move files form a Directory to sub-folders based on a Regular expression - useful for managing your monolithic download folder

I created the program because I always download all my sourceforge Apps, tv shows, and anime into one big download folder. After I get several hundred files filling several gigs, it gets hard to find what was recently downloaded. It also gets hard to find something I want to watch, as there are simply too many files to find the one I want. So to resolve the issue, I wrote this Python script to sort all the files based on a regular expression. Something I was unable to find in any other program. So I created File Sort Python, it still is missing some features like list sorting, priority change, among others. The file copy stage takes significantly longer than an alternative os specific cut and paste, but after a few minutes of building the database of patterns, it maintains the folder with far less effort.

Posted by Luigi Max 2009-04-02