
Filescape / News: Recent posts

New Developer and Wiki Launch

A new developer, "jexmex" has signed on with Filescape.

The Filescape Wiki is now up and is the official Filescape website. I will be adding more content to the wiki soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-09

Filescape Development is Underway

The old Filescape has been abolished and the new Filescape is being actively developed. I've made the first few commits already. I am still looking for testers and/or developers for Filescape.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-07

Complete Change of Plans

I have decided to halt the development of "Filescape for Windows" forever. The old Beta releases will still be available, but all new Filescape releases will be for Linux and will use the GTK+ toolkit. I am now updating all the project details to reflect this change of plans.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-07

Filescape 1.0 Is On The Way!

Just a few more features need to be added before Filescape 1.0 can be released. Hopefully I will be able to release it by March.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-02-09

Filescape 1.0 to be Released Soon!

Filescape 1.0 is almost ready to be released. If everything goes according to plan, Filescape 1.0 should be released around Christmas (December 25th).

Filescape needs more Beta testers for version 1.0. If you wish to become a beta tester, please e-mail me at

Posted by Anonymous 2008-11-28