

Matías SM

How to use

Note: all that is here documented is highly biased to Linux users. If you are a Windows user, your experience may vary. Please leave a comment (in the Discussion forum, maybe) if you have something to share about your experience.


FCB requires Python(tested on Python 2.7.3) and PyCrypto (tested on version 2.6).

See [installation_in_linux] for instructions about how to install FCB in Linux.
See [installation_in_Windows] for instructions about how to install FCB in Windows.

Done! :)

First run

Database setup
Execute to create the (empty) database where information about uploaded files is stored:


Configuration setup
You need to configure the program according to your needs (check file files_cloud_backuper.xml)
Check [configuration_file] description for more information.

Ready to go
At this point you are good to go as normal (check Second and Following runs section for information about how to do this)

Second and Following runs

To run the program execute:

python files_cloud_backuper.xml some_file_or_dir_to_upload other_files_or_dirs

1. files_cloud_backuper.xml is the configuration file to use
2. some_file_or_dir_to_upload is a file or directory to upload. If it is a directory, it will be recursively searched for files inside it.
3. other_files_or_dirs all other parameters will be interpreted as additional files or directories to upload

Restoring files

If you didn't configure files encryption, you only need to download the uploaded files from the cloud storage service where it was uploaded to and decompress the file (Burrows–Wheeler algorithm) is used for compression and files are archived with Tar. Any so called decompression program should be able to cope with those.

If you did configure the program to encrypt, you need to decrypt the archive before you can read the files within it. To do so you should use the program.
For general use information, you can execute the program without any argument:


Will produce an output like this:

Usage: <encrypted file> <out file> <key> -b <encrypted file> [<encripted file> ...]

The easiest way of using the program is the "batch mode" (second one described in the output). In this way, you only need to specify the encrypted files and the program will use the information in the database (data.db file) to decrypt them.
Note that to use the batch mode you need to have in the database the information about the files you wish to decrypt (that is, you should have uploaded the files from this instance of, otherwise the program will fail (telling you it doesn't have information about the files).

Te other way is pretty self explanatory, you specify the file to decrypt, the resulting file path and the key to use for decrypting (you can get it from the sent log file specified in the configuration).

Project Members:


Wiki: configuration_file
Wiki: installation_in_Windows