
Fidelio Hotline Client / News: Recent posts

1.0b1 released

As previously stated, 1.0 is approaching. Here's the
first (of a hopefuly short serie of) beta.

Posted by Philippe Raoult 2002-09-09

1.0 approaching !

We need to hammer out a bug or two and we will release a
1.0 beta version. Stay tuned

Posted by Philippe Raoult 2002-09-06

fidelio 0.9.6 has been released.

Fidelio 0.9.6 has been released.

This mainly a bugfix/stability release with small unobtrusive enhancements to make your life easier :-)

Posted by Tassos Bassoukos 2001-03-01

Fidelio 0.9.5 released

Bookmarks and transfer queues work again! Private chat is supported, filetransfers can now be bandwidth throttled and the file list looks nicer :)

Posted by Tassos Bassoukos 2000-11-13

Fidelio 0.9.4 released

Fidelio 0.9.4 has been relased. This release includes lots of fixes, recursive download of folders, a revamped prefs gui and plenty of code cleanups. Philippe Raoult has joined the project, and Clay Crouch is debianizing it.

Posted by Tassos Bassoukos 2000-09-21

Fidelio 0.9.3 released

Fidelio 0.9.3 has been released. This version has some bug fixes and several changes to the GUI.

Posted by Tassos Bassoukos 2000-08-26