
VS .NET 2003 support

  • K.D

    K.D - 2004-06-29

    Here's part of the msvc.ini adapted to VS .NET - I didn't test with the tookit. Just copy msvc.ini and replace the lines with the following : 

    [Windows App Commands]
    CompileCmd=bin/cl "$IN" /c /Fo"$OUT" /I"$PATH\include" /I"$PATH\PlatformSDK\include" $CFLAGS /nologo
    ResCompileCmd=bin/rc /i"$PATH\include" /i"$PATH\PlatformSDK\include" -fo"$OUT" "$IN"
    LinkCmd=bin/link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"$PATH\lib" /LIBPATH:"$PATH\PlatformSDK\lib" /MACHINE:IX86 $LFLAGS $INRES $IN user32.lib kernel32.lib "/OUT:$OUT"

    [Console App Commands]
    CompileCmd=bin/cl "$IN" /c /Fo"$OUT" /I"$PATH\include" /I"$PATH\PlatformSDK\include" $CFLAGS /nologo

    You may have to add to the path the directory "your_installation_directory/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common7/IDE". Cl.exe will complain about a missing dll in that case. In Relo, the compiler path must point to "your_installation_directory/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC7".

    • mouser

      mouser - 2004-07-12


    • Andrew Pike

      Andrew Pike - 2005-01-20

      Damn, the VC command line syntax sucks. I've had problems myself lately with VC and Relo because of this, I'm probably going to have to make changes in Relo to accommodate this compiler's commands.

      Anyway, thanks for this, I appreciate it.


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