
Please consider issue/comments requiring user

Steven Aus
  • Steven Aus

    Steven Aus - 2012-02-22

    afletdinov, if it is possible to do so within, please make
    adding new bugs or any issue or suggestion require the user to be logged in to
    an account, so we don't have anonymous spambots posting issues and comments.
    So like forums now require a login, make posting issues or comments on issues
    require a user to be logged into a account.

    Are you able to do this? It would be great if you could! =)

    Best regards,

  • Paul Sokolovsky

    Paul Sokolovsky - 2012-02-22

    Any project admin for sure can do that in project preferences.

  • Steven Aus

    Steven Aus - 2012-02-22

    Well, put my vote for applying this change. There is a number of pieces of
    spam that have been posted on issues.

  • Ghox

    Ghox - 2012-02-22

    Put my vote too - I think it is needed to switch this preference on, to avoid
    spamming posts to the project.

  • Steven Aus

    Steven Aus - 2012-02-22

    Or if people still spam, to be able to ask to terminate that
    user's account. You can't do that when you don't need an account to spam.

  • PhoneixS

    PhoneixS - 2012-02-23

    I vote it up too.

  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-02-25

    Ok! Thanks you!


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