
feedback and comments

  • sssSCH

    sssSCH - 2011-07-20

    Hi everyone!

    I've been playing fheroes2 for a while now and would like to share what I came
    up with while playing.
    I'm using r2391 i386 on Debian testing. (I'm not 100% sure of the version, as
    the changelog isn't up to date)

    The first point is the already mentioned AI. Even when choosing "impossible"
    it's too easy. For defined maps the NPC movement could be scripted by the map
    maker. I think that would be the easiest solution for now.

    As there are quite some random events in the game we should do something
    against the "save cheating". One could for example just save, open a treasure
    chest and load again. Until he gets the skill he wants.

    I've tried the multiplayer mode in my home network. Is this supposed to work?
    It didn't for me.

    I stumbled upon failures in maps once in a while. Should those be posted to
    the bug tracker? Maps should be separated somehow as soon as the map builder
    is usable. I'm thinking about a portal where one could upload maps (and
    campaigns) and users can download them and give feedback.

    Is there any chance that the unfree parts (maps and graphics) get replaced by
    material under a free license? this would make it easier for people to install
    it and fheroes could be packaged for GNU/Linux distributions. Maybe we could
    just ask Ubisoft for permission? (I don't expect them to allow it, but maybe
    it's worth a try)
    As new features are being added we'll have to create our own graphics anyway.

    A better concept for keyboard control would be nice. As far as I can tell the
    game isn't playable without mouse for now.

    The list of savegames should give some more information like the name of the
    map and for how long it has been played. As it is now it gets confusing as
    soon as there are 10 savegames.
    And in the map choosing screen it would be good to see which maps I've already
    played or won.

    The autosave at the end of the last turn is useless most of the time. I think
    it would be better at the beginning of the turn. bad thinks usually happen in
    the turns of the other players (like attacking my hero). going back to when I
    have already moved my heroes doesn't help here. I would need to go back to
    when I started my last turn.

    Restrictions to when one could save a game could also be important as a
    tactical element. This could make maps harder and players think more about
    their actions. It could be implemented as a special "hard mode" which allows
    no savegames at all or only once a week or so. And it should be able for map
    creators to control this in more detail.

    There are some map locations which don't show if they're worth visiting
    (again). I think that doesn't add anything to the game and is just annoying.
    deamon cave, graveyard, ship - as soon as I've been there and defeated the monsters it should be stated in the description of the item. (already visited - like for the gazebo)
    abandoned wagon, lean-to, sphinx - tell me that they are empty if I've been there once. (not sure if this is also true for skeletons. are they empty if you go there once?)
    tell me which skill I get at a which hut if I've been there already.
    tell me which spell I get at a shrine
    * not sure if there are more..

    Saving a whole game for later review would be a nice feature.

    That's it for now. Thank you for your great work!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    all game options:

    "game: always confirm for rewrite savefile"
    "game: also confirm autosave"
    "game: remember last focus"
    "game: remember last filename"
    "game: battle show grid"
    "game: battle mouse shadow"
    "game: battle move shadow"
    "game: battle show damage info"
    "game: pickup artifact + info dialog"
    "game: castle flash building"
    "world: show visited content from objects"
    "world: scouting skill show extended content info"
    "world: abandoned mine random resource"
    "world: save count monster after battle"
    "world: allow set guardian to objects"
    "world: no in-built requirements or guardians for placed artifacts"
    "world: only the first monster will attack
    "world: Eagle Eye also works like Scholar in H3."
    "world: allow buy a spellbook from Shrines"
    "world: ban for WeekOf/MonthOf Monsters"
    "world: new version WeekOf
    "world: ban plagues months"
    "world: Months Of Monsters do not place creatures on map"
    "artifact: Crystal Ball also added Identify Hero and Visions spells"
    "castle: allow buy from well"
    "castle: allow guardians"
    "heroes: learn new spells with day"
    "heroes: fixed race with custom portrait"
    "heroes: recruit cost to be dependent on hero level"
    "heroes: remember MP/SP for retreat/surrender result"
    "heroes: surrendering gives some experience"
    "heroes: recalculate movement points after creatures movement"
    "heroes: allow pickup objects for patrol"
    "heroes: after battle move to target cell"
    "heroes: allow transcribing scrolls
    "unions: allow meeting heroes"
    "unions: allow castle visiting"
    "unions: allow view maps"
    "battle: troop direction to move"
    "battle: soft wait troop"
    "battle: high objects are an obstacle for archers"
    "battle: merge armies for hero from castle"
    "battle: archmage can resists
    "battle: magical creature resists
    "battle: skip increase +2 defense"
    "game: show system info"
    "game: autosave on"
    "game: use fade"
    "game: show SDL logo"
    "game: use evil interface"
    "game: also use dynamic interface for castles"
    "game: hide interface"
    "pocketpc: hide cursor"
    "pocketpc: tap mode"
    "pocketpc: drag&drop gamearea as scroll"
    "pocketpc: low display resolution
    "pocketpc: low memory"


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