
Small and Big fonts finished!!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello and sorry for my English!

    I finished editing the fonts to be very similar to original fonts. I would
    like that afletdinov include this fonts in the followings releases of fheroes2
    so that everyone enjoys them.

    I tested the fonts and the result is: (all fonts have been edited and tested):

    cs: I think that all letters are good.
    es: I'm sure that all letters are good.
    fr: I'm sure that all letters are good.
    hu: I think that all letters are good.
    nl: I don't know because don't exists translation to test it.
    pl: I think that all letters are good.
    pt_BR: I'm sure that all letters are good.
    ru: This letters are very strange for me, I think that some letters are wrong.
    sv: I think that all letters are good.
    tr: I don't know because don't exists translation to test i

    If somebody see some letter wrong, tell me and I will repair it. To see the
    fonts good put the configuration: fonts normal size = 15 and fonts small size
    = 10.

    Now, I want to ask for any suggestions to afletdinov:

    Suggestion 1: Is difficult to me say this in English, please see the image.

    Image link:

    (the image are wrong I want to say "with unicode = off, more space, can you
    put the same space for unicode = on please?")

    Suggestion 2: With unicode = off the letters have shadows but, with unicode =
    on no shadows. Is possible add shadows for the fonts with unicode = on???

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sorry I forgot the fonts link


  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2010-12-13

    Good work!
    I added the fonts into the fheroes2 (2131 rev)
    About suggestions:
    1. fixed 2130 rev.
    2. I think this should work with the option: "fonts normal render = blended"

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thanks to added the fonts!

    With option "Fonts normal render = blended" the fonts still with no shadows.

    please test the russian fonts (the other languajes I know the letters and I'm
    sure that the letters are right) and tell me if you see anything that you
    don't like, (this fonts would be better the other form, or this font is bad,


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Ey! I've found a different russian version that you send me!

    Exists 2 different version of the same languaje?? see the picture: http://img

    I see the new version and I like some letters more that the version you send
    me. I'm go to edit it and upload again.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have make another version of bigfonts (only russian letters has changed).
    It's a mix of the letters you send me and the letters now I found.

    Please, test it and tell me what version like you more. If you prefer the
    second, other day I'm goint to edit smallfont like the second version of
    bigfonts. (I prefer the second version, but i am not russian and I can't say
    what version is better)



  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2010-12-14

    I think the second version looks better

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Ok I think that it is the final version without errors. (Only russian fonts

    Download Link:

    please add it to fheroes2 and if you can, please test it and tell me if all go



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