Activity for fgSpaceShuttleDev

  • John John merged merge request #56 on Code

    Event timer improvements

  • John John posted a comment on merge request #56

    Perfect Colin, thanks. I will check that.

  • Colin Geniet Colin Geniet posted a comment on merge request #56

    Hello @gingin, thanks for looking at this! I'm answering here to keep it linked to the MR if you don't mind. I don't know if I have much to add to the commit messages, but I'll try. If you have any specific question, I'll be happy to answer of course! The event timer drift issue is because it was implemented as a settimer(..., 1) loop. Problem is that runs the function not after precisely 1s, but at the next frame after that. At say 20fps, this is 25ms late on average, so the timer is 2.5% too slow...

  • Colin Geniet Colin Geniet created merge request #56 on Code

    Event timer improvements

  • John John merged merge request #55 on Code

    DAP transition tunning

  • John John created merge request #55 on Code

    DAP transition tunning

  • John John merged merge request #54 on Code

    New ELS landing site HAO

  • John John created merge request #54 on Code

    New ELS landing site HAO

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [7c813b] on Code

    Re-commit MP effect additions

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [990453] on Code

    Merge branch 'development' of ssh:// into development

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [97c62e] on Code

    MP additions, legacy MP code cleanup (leading /)

  • John John merged merge request #53 on Code

    Mnvr dps page deeper logic and various fixes

  • John John created merge request #53 on Code

    Mnvr dps page deeper logic and various fixes

  • John John merged merge request #52 on Code

    Various fixes

  • John John created merge request #52 on Code

    Various fixes

  • John John merged merge request #51 on Code

    External hd texture loading time

  • John John created merge request #51 on Code

    External hd texture loading time

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [db7e97] on Code

    HD livery, texture mapping and effect application corrections, gear bay thermal protection

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [febf84] on Code

    Add hidef texture tolivery system

  • John John merged merge request #50 on Code

    Spec 54 Entry Bearing

  • John John created merge request #50 on Code

    Spec 54 Entry Bearing

  • John John merged merge request #49 on Code

    External HD texture and more TAEM fine tunning

  • John John created merge request #49 on Code

    External HD texture and more TAEM fine tunning

  • John John merged merge request #48 on Code

    Mission files updated and TAEM time to hac fine tunned

  • John John created merge request #48 on Code

    Mission files updated and TAEM time to hac fine tunned

  • Thorsten Renk Thorsten Renk merged merge request #47 on Code

    Fix handovers between the rel_orbital and payload_manager's provider of proximity coordinates

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #47 on Code

    Fix handovers between the rel_orbital and payload_manager's provider of proximity coordinates

  • eatdirt eatdirt posted a comment on merge request #46

    I did not really fix the race conditions by moving computing_proximity() before as both calculations are done in different loops. We need a lock to deactivate one while the other works. Let me fix that in a proper way.

  • eatdirt eatdirt updated merge request #46

    Fix racing between the two proximity calculators within the proximity zone

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #46 on Code

    Fix racing between the two proximity calculators within the proximity zone

  • Thorsten Renk Thorsten Renk merged merge request #45

    Fix multiple entering of targets within the proximity zone

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #45

    Fix multiple entering of targets within the proximity zone

  • John John merged merge request #44

    Fix for HUD roll guidance typo

  • John John created merge request #44

    Fix for HUD roll guidance typo

  • b'John committed [ff02f2]

    Merge /u/dirteat/fgspaceshuttledev/ branch develnext into development

  • John John merged merge request #42

    Spare effect files including shadows' shaders for next

  • John John merged merge request #43

    HUD roll flightdirector TAEM

  • John John created merge request #43

    HUD roll flightdirector TAEM

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #42

    Spare effect files including shadows' shaders for next

  • John John merged merge request #41

    ISS mission file

  • John John created merge request #41

    ISS mission file

  • John John merged merge request #40

    HUD roll flight director

  • John John created merge request #40

    HUD roll flight director

  • John John merged merge request #39

    TAEM roll channel

  • John John created merge request #39

    TAEM roll channel

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg committed [056c81]

    Remove lightmap shadows from CWS display

  • John John merged merge request #38

    HUD flight director

  • John John created merge request #38

    HUD flight director

  • John John merged merge request #37

    Advanced MECO parameters logic

  • John John created merge request #37

    Advanced MECO parameters logic

  • John John merged merge request #36

    TAL PEG meco parameters

  • John John created merge request #36

    TAL PEG meco parameters

  • John John merged merge request #35

    Ascent AP fixes

  • John John created merge request #35

    Ascent AP fixes

  • John John merged merge request #34

    Implement CCTV overlay for the SRMS view with canvas

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #34

    Implement CCTV overlay for the SRMS view with canvas

  • John John committed [09e69c]

    New option for Direct/Standard Insertion in the Auto Launch Dialog menu

  • John John committed [87a448]

    New PFD elements from Power Explicit Guidance: Fine count for MECO / Attitude error needles logic for PEG convergence / Dynamic MECO velocity cue

  • John John committed [55b22e]

    Debug isnan added to avoid NaN error for Normalization

  • John John committed [44856c]

    Rodrigues Euler rotation formula for PEG intial guess

  • John John committed [ed6b6c]

    Unified Powered Flight Guidance first implementation / Used for Nominal /TAL /ATO guidance

  • John John committed [ec11fc]

    No RTHU for PEG test (more stable)

  • Wayne Bragg Wayne Bragg merged merge request #33

    Obsolete unused Models/HST directory and fix various paths accordingly

  • John John committed [effbb7]

    Power Expicit Guidance for Ascent core code finished / test phase / no output to jsbsim guidance yet

  • John John committed [cb33b8]

    Roll error based on Entry guidance global variable

  • John John committed [5843e7]

    3d matrix product and a fix to avoid NaN with vector normalization by 0

  • John John committed [aaf7ce]

    Print functions deactivated / Older jsbsim functions used for previous Entry Guidance deactivated

  • John John committed [8f477f]

    Final HAC radius shrinking logic in case of Low Energy Condition during HAC

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #33

    Obsolete unused Models/HST directory and fix various paths accordingly

  • John John committed [ecf7fd]

    Initial work on Power Explicit Guidance (WIP) and Conic State Extrapolation Routine (finished)

  • John John committed [21890f]

    Stronger condition for TAEM computation (305/603) to avoid breakage during TAL abort

  • John John committed [c1f727]

    Hdot ref for 305 display coming from Entry workbook hdot scale height formula

  • John John committed [177ec2]

    TAL alpha logic before first pullout (43° to avoid to high temperatures)

  • John John committed [5b97ba]

    DPS adjustement for new entry guidance (global variables instead of jsb sim inputs/outputs)

  • John John committed [a4061a]

    New TAL site: Madris Airport item 10

  • John John committed [84d10b]

    New entry code: Entry guidance finished // first step of autopilot output filtered to jsbsim (Deadband, etc) // Alpha modulation and Low Energy logic activated

  • John John committed [d52ab6]

    Adjustements for new entry code: New global variables / functions and loop

  • John John committed [593dac]

    Parameters for new entry guidance: Bank and Alpha commanded.

  • John John committed [fa8db3]

    MIDVALUE function: same than clamp but arguments order may be disregarded

  • John John committed [cefae6]

    Lift acceleration parameter for entry guidance code benchmark

  • John John committed [a46129]

    Added Paro and Innsbruck for TAEM and final approach scenarios (fictionnal challenges)

  • John John committed [62ef99]

    Removed fast drag modulation for stability purpose

  • John John committed [fb408f]

    More works on Entry code simulation / Entry guidance code completed(Appendix 1 to 14) and not activated for now

  • John John committed [b24cd9]

    Final flare fine tunned / Adjustement for Qbar filter during final flare to avoid pitchdown near ground

  • John John committed [bdc0e5]

    Merge branch 'development' of ssh://

  • b'John committed [d1c918]

    Merge /u/dirteat/fgspaceshuttledev/ branch mecoff into development

  • John John merged merge request #32

    Tentative fix of auto-launch guidance signing off prematurely in manual throttle

  • John John committed [f5d039]

    Typo fixed (AUTO/MAN) for MFD in autonomous mode

  • John John committed [bda265]

    Gander and Kef coordinates fine tunned for AutoLand

  • John John committed [92c61a]

    Correct pitch error logic for TAEM / Pitch error is based on Nz error from TAEM guidance

  • John John committed [5f02b0]

    45° of bank for OPS6 S-turn / Additional range logic for GRTLS (not activated)

  • John John committed [efec97]

    Alpha transition boundary set to 320 fps (from TAEM documentations)

  • John John committed [6bce43]

    EGRT targeting routine function completed / Global variables hash for Entry Guidance (Constants, Internal parameters, Output)

  • eatdirt eatdirt created merge request #32

    Tentative fix of auto-launch guidance signing off prematurely in manual throttle

  • John John committed [e94f6d]

    3x3 Matrix computation functions / Geodetic to ECEF frame converter

  • John John committed [edd7b8]

    Previous Mass Balance values (newer ones need more test during Entry)

  • John John committed [1c049d]

    Easter Island runway 28 slope ( uphill)

  • John John committed [9c21c2]

    Sb opening/closing rated adjusted for Entry update frequency // Better initial conditions for TAEM scenario

  • John John committed [83cf54]

    Entry guidance rework first step: EGRT targeting routine function / geodetic to rwy frame conversion

  • John John committed [6283a6]

    Proper geodetic to rwy frame conversion with matrix formalism (vs. polar coordinates before) // Better guidance accuracy

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