
Is this project active?

  • Johan Björk

    Johan Björk - 2006-02-07

    Hi guys,

    I'm wondering if someone is still working on this project? Havn't been any updates to the cvs for almost 6 months..

    • Pete Woods

      Pete Woods - 2006-02-09

      It is active. The driver itself has been improved with some nice new featuers. However my compelete lack of experience in Objective C / Cocoa has made development of a System Preferences GUI good enough to take advantage of the new features difficult. Basically I got stressed with it and hacked the .plist file on my machine to have the preferences I wanted. I think I'll have another go at making it do what I want though. If you're a cocoa dev, though, any help would be much appreciated :)

      • Johan Björk

        Johan Björk - 2006-02-10

        Hi Pete,

        Acctually, what i've been doing can be found at

        The sourcode was rather big mess at some places, but it went rather ok.
        I have the some problems as you, totaly newbie at objc/cocoa, and the code for setting/fetching preferences is really evil as well, hard to know what "never ever worked"  and what I broke when porting...

        • Pete Woods

          Pete Woods - 2006-02-10

          Well for me (and all the machines I've tested it on) the latest release of FFScroll works just fine apart from the 2F scrolling being a bit rubbish. Although I don't think it's possible to ever make it very good with the limited information the trackpad provides in absolute mode.

          In the source tree, though, the driver source is probably way out of sync with the pref pane source. I think I'll have a go at the way I want to configure the areas of hotspots and scroll areas in the GUI tomorrow though.

          • Johan Björk

            Johan Björk - 2006-02-10

            Aha. Almost suspected the CVS didn't really correspond to something being released. Didn't bother checking up eventual tags and such.

            Is the source in the cvs the latest?
            If so, there is atleast one memoryleak in the driver (the zArray is never deleted(), and there are atleast one way to make an 1byte bufferoverflow (setting zArray to zero..)

            I'd be happy to try and merge my patches back or something, I've tried to stay out of the FFScroll sources as much as possible and only modularised (not very much tho, lots to be done) it.


            • Pete Woods

              Pete Woods - 2006-02-10

              I've just commited everything I have (with 2 second fix for memory leak). I'm working on a new pane in the GUI for configuration of the locations for hotspots. It's something that has been bothering me for quite a while now.

              Most of our devlopment of the driver went into making the tap-drag code behave nicely. You'd be amazed at just how difficult it was to make it operate like the built-in behaviour of the pad.

              • Johan Björk

                Johan Björk - 2006-02-10

                Unfortunatly, I can imagine :(

                I started of my ALPS/Synaptics project by adding support for simple taps, and hotspot scrolling areas, even that became a rather big mess :)

                Too tired to check out the cvs now, will take a look tomorrow.
                anything special that's new I should watch out for?


                • Pete Woods

                  Pete Woods - 2006-02-10

                  Well apart from cleaing up the code (a bit) I seem to remember adding stuff like an ability to have the physical button perform a second action if you tap it while dragging. Very useful for operating Exposé in order to drag something from one app to another using only the pad. Sadly I haven't added any way of configuring this to the pref pane yet, so it probably requries a hack of the .plist to make work properly atm.

    • Thomas Walker

      Thomas Walker - 2006-02-13

      Just found this thread :)

      As Pete says the version in CVS didn't really correspond to the versions we've been using. We also  added the ability to have various different types of scroll areas which responded to acceleration and allow autoscrolling.

      Unfortunately the prefpane doesn't reflect a lot of these changes. I've been using a hacked prefpane that would give most Apple users nightmares but it has the ability to configure autoscrolling.

      • Johan Björk

        Johan Björk - 2006-02-15

        Neat. I've been a bit busy latly, but i'm gonna check the cvs out now :)


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