
FFL / News: Recent posts

FFL and phpWebSite

I've decided that re-inventing the wheel sucks. Therefore, as part of the re-write of FFL, we'll be writing it as a module for the phpWebSite platform. phpWebSite has proven to be quite a solid development platform, and their upcoming 0.9 release is pretty dynamic and flexible. I think it'll be perfect for what any php-based web application needs.

This past week phpWS 0.9 RC 1 was released. As soon as they release the final, or write a module tutorial to show it's stable enough, I'll begin cutting code.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-10-30

FFL 0.7.0 Released

FFL 0.7.0 has been released with the last few features left. Those include a "Rosters" page which will show complete team rosters all on one page. Also schedule page will default what is determined to be the current week. Other minor stuff.

NOTE that this will be the _last_ feature release for FFL under my sole development. Any future releases in this module will be bug fixes if bugs are reported.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-14

Major FFL Changes

On Monday Mike Noyes (user mhnoyes) emailed the leaders of the four fantasy football projects to bring us together and come up with an application that would really put us on the map and provide a single alternative to the pay-for-play services like and Long story short, the ffl, openffl, and iffl projects will be coming together under the ffl project and starting from scratch to write a new ffl modular application.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-11

FFL 0.6.0 Unleashed

FFL is a php/mysql website engine for fantasy football. Features include news, teams administration, player administration, divisions, drafts, schedules, standings, playoffs, etc. Automated scoring will be implemented well ahead of 2003 season, but not likely for 2002 season.

FFL 0.6.0 includes divisions adminstration screen. Other minor function and cosmetic changes were made. Also ffl-announce mailing list was created.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-08

On the subject of automatic scoring ...

Muchos gracias to Justin and Jeff in internet-land for finding a couple of possibilities. I like Justin's find of Yahoo's free fantasy stats download via CSV file at So now I have my source. I'll need to write up the import script and mapping script to map Yahoo's player IDs to my player IDs. Probably add a "yahoo_id" field to the player table. I'll need a aggregation script to total all the defensive players for a given team into a single "team defense" stat.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-08


Your email provider is not accepting mail relayed from sourceforge or my mail server. Please find another mail server or provide another way for me to email you.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-06

FFL 0.5.0 Released

FFL is a php/mysql website engine for fantasy football. Features include news, teams administration, player administration, divisions, drafts, schedules, standings, playoffs, etc. Automated scoring is not yet possible.

Version 0.5.0 now includes standings with customizable sort algorithm.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-05

Phorum Add-On HOWTO

I couldn't sleep so I wrote up a HOWTO on integrating Phorum into your site. Phorum is a nice lightweight, easy-to-administer, open-source bulletin board package. Great for FFL owners needing to smack their own.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-05

ffl 0.4.0

Well says open-source developers should "release early and often", and that's what I'm doing. New version 0.4.0 includes the "News" section, with the ability to feature players and teams. However teams logos won't be shown on the news display page.

Future plans are for news related to a player or team to be shown on that player or team's player or team page. My wife was yelling at me to get some sleep so I cut 0.4.0 without it. It won't be hard to add back in.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-04

ffl 0.3.0 released

0.3.0 contains schedules.

Right now creation wizard will create schedule/playoff skeleton, but will not assign teams to games. That tedious manual exercise will be left to the commissioner.

Eventually I'll have to come up with the logic for a basic schedule system.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-09-02

load_players script now available

I dumped the players table from my own FFL league and zeroed out the fflteam_id, so you should be able to download this if you want it. Adding in those players by hand is a pain.

Anyway I checked it into CVS so it will be included in future releases. You can get it from CVS if you want to use it now.

Update: I put it on the website now too so you can just download it from here:

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-30

... and so came 0.2.0

0.2.0 released. Now with TRANSACTIONS! So trade, cut, and sign to your hearts' content.

Caveat emptor: I didn't do a whole lot of bug testing.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-27

ffl 0.1.2 released

The beauty of having bug testers other than yourself is that they catch bugs. As they are in my thing. As I am catching bugs now that I am going through the actual phases.

This will be the last 0.1 patch release. I should be done with transactions this week and will roll the current set of bug fixes in with that and release 0.2.0 by the end of the week.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-26

ffl 0.1.1 released

Well minutes after I installed version 0.1.0 I noticed two major bugs.

1. Non-admin owners were able to change their division and logo filename. I could see no reason why they should and restricted that access to admins only.

2. When looking at a display page for a team, all coaches were using the getCoachHead() function. Obviously I am dumb.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-23

ffl 0.1.0 released

ffl 0.1.0 is out and about. This release contains control key, player, fflteam, and draft administration and display. NFL teams are loaded from load script.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-22

First release this week

Well I have completed what I set out to for an 0.1 release. FFL Team, Player, and Draft administration. Need to add control key administration and I'll be set.

Just need to figure out how to make a release with sourceforge.

My home DSL modem got fried Sunday night, so hopefully I can pick up my new one today at Graybar and be back up tonight.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-08-20

Welcome to FFL

Nothing to see here yet. Hopefully we progress soon.

Posted by Don Seiler 2002-07-22