
Fetcher / News: Recent posts


SF started to piss me off a bit, so I've moved to github, link in desc.
Anyway, next release with some major changes and rewrites is on it's way, just need to polish few things and test it on Windows. :)

Posted by Kenji Takahashi 2010-11-23


Just a note for Arch Linux users: Fetcher is now available in aur :).

Posted by Kenji Takahashi 2010-10-15

Some news

Erm, Is this thing working after all? OK, let's suppose it does.
Just to let you know that I managed to fix the code a bit, so now it runs fine under Windows too and I'm almost ready to release 0.3, just need to polish few things.

Posted by Kenji Takahashi 2010-09-11