
Undefined index and Undefined variable errors

Frank Blue
  • Frank Blue

    Frank Blue - 2006-06-02

    I installed feta 1.1 using PHP 4.1.2 in Windows environment. However, I got the following errors at index.php file.

    FYI, I have tried to set 'register_globals = on' in php.ini file but I have no luck.

    -----Please see errors below--------

    Warning: Undefined index: logout in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 45

    Warning: Undefined index: login in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 50

    Warning: Undefined variable: error in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 85

    Thank you for any feedbacks,

    • Frank Blue

      Frank Blue - 2006-06-05

      Yes, I changed the setup for output_buffering.

      The default is Off, so I switched it to On. It seems to work at this time.

      Thanks again for your help!

    • Gwyn Ciesla

      Gwyn Ciesla - 2006-06-05

      Those errors are due to some slightly sloppy coding on my part, but do not by themselves indicate a problem. FYI, turn register_globals back to Off if you have not already done so, assuming you don't need it for another application.

      Are you able to login?

      • Frank Blue

        Frank Blue - 2006-06-05

        Thanks for the quick response. I turned register_globals back to Off Yes in php.ini.

        Yes, I am able to login but I got these following errors:

        Warning: Undefined index: logout in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 45
        Warning: Undefined index: deletesystem in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 130
        Warning: Undefined index: deletepart in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 152

        FYI, at the login page (before login), I still have 3 errors as following:

        Warning: Undefined index: logout in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 45

        Warning: Undefined index: login in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 50

        Warning: Undefined variable: error in D:\WebProjectsTesting\feta\index.php on line 85

        Thanks again for your support,

        In the index.php, I got 3 errors:
        I am able to login

    • Gwyn Ciesla

      Gwyn Ciesla - 2006-06-05

      As these error aren't serious, you can set display_errors = Off in your php.ini and they won't show up. Of course, you may want this On for debugging of other applications, but it should always be Off in production.

    • Frank Blue

      Frank Blue - 2006-06-05

      Thanks for the suggestion!

      By the way, when I go to other pages, I always get the message "Try logging in. . ."


      -----------Systems section----------------
      Feta: Your Org: Systems
      Try logging in. . .

      -----------Parts section----------------
      Feta: Your Org: Parts
      Try logging in. . .

      Do I miss any configuration setup?

      Thanks again,

    • Gwyn Ciesla

      Gwyn Ciesla - 2006-06-05

      Well, it's either because you're not logged in or your PHP configuration is not set up to handle sessions properly. Should work on default PHP installs version 4.0 and up.


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