
Festa Philosophy 1.0 RC1 Released

I'm proud to announce the first release candidate for version 1.0 of the Festa Philosophy.

The Festa Philosophy is a combination of a JEE5 architecture, a UML-based domain specific language, and a code generator. With Festa both quality and productivity of the development of java web applications will improve dramatically.

The product is functionality-wise totally ready and, hence, can be put to the test. An extensive Getting Started is included in the package to get early birds up-and-running quickly.

The package also contains a tutorial application 'Internet Forms for Dummies' and is a fully operational JEE5 application using most of the features of Festa.

The tutorial itself has not been written yet, however. This will come in RC2.

Have fun!

Posted by Franck de Bruijn 2007-03-25

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