
Events using

  • fedic

    fedic - 2020-06-01

    Hi Ruud,
    I found your's FemtoOs very usefull. Thank you for the greate work!
    I have the questions about the events:
    1. Is there the way to use more than 8 event?
    2. How can i manipulate with the two different events, if need to unblock the task when one of the two event fired(event1 "OR" event2)?
    I can't to found the way to resolve this problen, cause the taskWaitForEventSet(Ev1,Ev2...) unblock the task when all events have fired(Ev1 "AND" Ev2 "AND"...EvN).
    Now I have to use two different task to unblocking by two diffent events, performing the same procedure:

    void ADCproc(void)
    // do something//





    Is there another way to use events?
    Thank you


    Last edit: fedic 2020-06-01
  • De Vlaam

    De Vlaam - 2020-06-01

    If i remember correctly the events are stored in e byte somewhere, so 8 events is a hard limit i am afraid. Such hard limits apply to most of the parts (tasks, priorities etc) and this was a design decission.

    Normally when you need the OR function on different events, you just fire the same event from different places. And use one event for the blocking tasks. Is this not possible? May i don not quit understand you problem correctly

  • fedic

    fedic - 2020-06-01

    Thank you Ruud for your answer my question
    Yes, you correct understand what i meen.
    Much a pitty about this limitation, cause event using make the project more reliable and flexible
    The method your suggested of events proccessing "OR" work really fine!
    My project moving in progress!


    Last edit: fedic 2020-06-05
  • fedic

    fedic - 2020-06-03

    BTW: Somebody here asked about modeling schematic and FemtoOS firmware project in PROTEUS, i can confidently answer: IT WORKS!!!


    Last edit: fedic 2020-06-05
  • De Vlaam

    De Vlaam - 2020-06-03

    Very nice indeed. Good work!😄


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