
FormattedDataSet API Initial Release

The FormattedDataSet Java API has been released. The FormattedDataSet API is the easiest way to generate dynamic text (HTML, XML, WML, JavaScript...).

It has been released under a BSD license and source code, binaries, and documentation are all available. The FormattedDataSet combines data and formatting to generate the dynamic text. Templates contain formatting.

Out of the box the FormattedDataSet can generate all common HTML elements (table, list box, drop down list box, multi-select list box), and XML. Developers can easily create their own templates too. Here is some sample JSP code that uses the same query to generate XML and an HTML table:

FormattedDataSet fds=FormattedDataSet.createInstance();
String html=fds.getFormattedDataSet('select * from employees', 'htmlTable');
String xml=fds.getFormattedDataSet('select * from employees', 'xml');


Posted by Steve Souza 2003-11-26

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