
Can't access new Milestone

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I created a new Milestone, and cannont access it via the Milestones picklist when defining new Aspects, in a new Project Type.  The only Milestone available in the picklist is the FDD Standard.  This is a brand new installation just completed today.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It is a bug. For now you can logout of application, log in again, and you will see the new milestone set. I'll let you know once the bug is fixed.

      - Serguei

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Serguei, thanks for the reply.  That worked. I'll create some more projects to test it out.  Great application you have built, it is going to be very helpful.

      - Brent

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Serguei,  after some more testing I can use the new Milestones but there are two problems.  First the reports are not working, second I cannot create Workpackages.  The bottom root cause on both of these is always in

      java.lang.ClassCastException: com.fddtool.pd.fddproject.MilestoneSetDescription

      If you could take a look.

      Thanks, Brent.

      • Nobody/Anonymous


        I have recently fixed some bugs with reports and deployed the new application to
        I would suggest you login to the installation at this address and create a project with the same milestones that causes your problems on local installtion.

        If it works then it means that I fixed the ciode already. In this case you should take the latest code from CVS and rebuild it.

        If it does not work then I shall see the exception stack trace and will be able to address it.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Serguei, I'll test it out and let you know.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I ran the test on the site and everything works correctly.  You can take a look at that I have done, I duplicated everything I had put into mine.  Reports and Workpackages work correctly.  So I need to get the latest full code release in CVS or just some elements?

      Thanks much,


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Serguei, one other question, how do I get the code from CVS?  I don't use CVS nor do I know how to use it.



      • Nobody/Anonymous

        That's a bit of a problem :-)
        Ok, I'll try to do a new binary release over the weekend.

    • Serguei Khramtchenko

      Please download FDDPMA
      The problem should be fixed there

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Serguei, I got the new release, compiled it and everything looks good.  Thanks so much for the quick changes.

      Another question, I think I saw somewhere that you have not yet implemented the bug tracking or the discussions features.  Is that correct?  If not, do you have any plans to add these features?


      • Nobody/Anonymous


        >> I think I saw somewhere that you have not yet implemented the bug
        >>tracking or the discussions features. Is that correct? If not,
        >>do you have any plans to add these features?

        I started working on bug tracking module, but it is a low priority task for me. It could be quite a while before I finish it.

        - Serguei

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Serguei, I understand what you mean.  Any new features/functionality you are currently working on?


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Not really. Now I mostly looking at the application stability issues as well as small enhancements. Other projects take priority...


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