
Dates & Various Ideas

  • Murray Hermann

    Murray Hermann - 2005-04-25

    I've started using FDDPMA internally and I had a few ideas to throw out there.  Not sure how it would all be implemented but its likely to require SQL db changes for a "system settings" table.  Is there a process for this sort of thing?  I have not done a CVS project in source forge before.

    1. Create an Admin user who can see ALL projects.  This will allow a user / users to be able to run weekly car park reports for ALL projects in the system.  This may be extended to a set of users who can see all projects without needing to be added (e.g. development manager).

    Possible solution:
    Change com.fddtool.ui.view.projectgroup --> to allow it to search for users how have isAdmin() = YES (e.g. devmgr), auto add them to all projects
                        person = Person.findByName("devmgr");   /*Actually look for isAdmin memgers*/
                        project.configureMemberRoles(person, roles);

    2. I need to have the default for "hidden" set to off. 

    Possbile solution:
    This is where it would be good to have a "system settings" table where the defaults can be saved rather than putting them in the code.

    com.fddtool.ui.view.login --> ((createAccountAction))  --> This is where it sets "hidden" as the default to on (searchable).

    3. I need to be able store dates as dd/mm/yyyy {being in Australia} and I wanted to insert a free little Calendar tool I found.

    Possbile solution:
    Again - add a "system settings" table.
    Com.fddtool.ui.view.workpackage --> has the date format.
    Com.fddtool.resource --> --> Messages on the screen about mm/dd/yyyy

    4. Possible integration with JIRA

    • Serguei Khramtchenko

      Thank you for your suggestions. Some of them correspond to my own ideas. Here is what I think:
      Most of FDDPMA configuration will be one via property files.

      1)    There will be setting that sets the security mode for the projects. The secure mode is implemented now: users have to enroll into projects to see them. This mode is useful for inter-department, or inter-company deployments when one FDDPMA application keeps projects for many department/companies.
      Another mode will be not secure  any user can see all projects. This will probably be in the read-only mode, unless one enrolls into a project. This not secure mode will be useful when FDDPMA serves needs  of one department. 
      This should address your item #1
      2)    Setting the default for hidden to false. This also may be addressed via property files.
      3)    Changing date format.  I think that the user should be able to change his/her locale in the account settings. Once locale is chosen, it will affect the data/time format and possibly the language.
      4)    Integration with JIRA is questionable since JIRA is not an open source project. I will have to do more research on this.

      On a side note: I plan to add these ideas into feature request tracker on SourceForge. ( Once they are implemented, you may download the latest code from sourceforge CVS.

    • Murray Hermann

      Murray Hermann - 2005-04-27

      The "local" doesn't seem to save

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Do you mean that project time zone does not save?
      This bug was fixed a while ago. Get the latest  code from CVS


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