
File Compare (for binary files) / News: Recent posts

It's Here, Beta 0.9b released.

Version 0.9b Initial Beta Release 2008-03-14.

Newest feature: -r* option for non-ASCII chars.
2nd newest feature: -s### to sync file 2 to file 1.
3rd newest feature: ++offset for 2nd file.
Reformatted source code.
Improved commenting (aka "any commenting", "all commenting", "commenting").
Creation of README, LICENSE, and CHANGELOG (this file).

Posted by Daniel Gauthier 2008-03-14

Release this week

I promise not to add any more new features and the beta release will be up Friday 2008-03-14.


Posted by Daniel Gauthier 2008-03-12

fcb pending release

Unfortunately, while preparing for release, I decided to let feature creep take over for a few seconds and now I'm coding a search function which searches for one file inside another. If I can't get that release ready in a week or two, I'll delete that feature from the first beta release. Sorry for the delay, but I'd rather have as few different versions out there as possible. If you really want to see this, just ask and I'll either get you one or go ahead and post the original beta version.... read more

Posted by Daniel Gauthier 2008-03-06