
Quick Start


Quick Start:

The thing you must keep in mind(except my bad English):

FBL is a prefix-style language,that means every picece of codes start with a prefix.The other important thing is: only parentheses can chage the calculate order of a 1+2*3,the calculate order is first compute 1+2, then multiply with 3.If you want to compute 2*3 first,you should write like this:1+(2*3).

A standyard fbl script shoud looks like this:

//This is a commet.
//Use '//' to make a commet,same to C++.

//Import other fbl script,named it as eg2. Symbol '-' as a perfix means keyword.
-mount( "test/eg2.fbl","eg2");

//Import a lib.
-select( "fblstr" );

//Define a function.Symbol '&' as a perfix means function define.
&LocalPrint( "StrPar" )
    //Call a function write in your C project.Symbol ':' as a perfix means call function in project.
    //Note that symble '&' means address here,yes...fbl support fucking pointer.
    :Printf( &StrPar );

&root( "IntPar" )
    //Equal to C code: int Value[10]; memset( Value, 100, sizeof(int)*10 );
    -var( "Value", 10, 100 );

    //Calll a function write in this script.Symbol '@' means call a function in script.
    @Printf( "Hello world" );

    //Call a function from other fbl script,which we mounted as eg2.
    @eg2:Printf( "Show other words" );  

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