
Enhanced Frozen Bubbles Win32 Port / News: Recent posts


Well, it's been ages since any post was made. I am unsure if I can rebuild this in it's current form. I will see if a combo of strawberry Perl and some luck can yeild a updated version .

Posted by Paul M 2020-02-12


Hi all,

Even after all this time this project still gets attention. I as a huge fan of frozen bubble myself want to review this project. I want to make things move forward and get updated. I cannot do this myself and there would be certain technical obstacles to over come. If your interested let me know, you can contact me via regular sourceforge based means.

Posted by Paul M 2012-11-24

Future of this port

Hi all,
As for the future of this port I am uncertain. I have left windows completly and run my own company now. This leaves little time for much of anything. I will not forget this project though you might see a update or two yet.

Posted by Paul M 2005-01-26

bug fixes and updates

Hi all,
I do not provide bug fixes, for anything except what I might do or have added. I've recently checked and there there in no new Frozen Bubble release, when there is I'll update all of this otherwise it stays as is.

Posted by Paul M 2004-10-23

Frozen Bubble 1.0

Hi all,
This enchanced frozen bubble port is now release on sf due to the hammering it was bestowing on the last server. Source is included in the installer.

Posted by Paul M 2003-10-22