
FreshBooks AS3 API / News: Recent posts

Going for beta

I just commited a first Version for all Tasks.

Posted by Michael Krummen 2009-02-16


I made a little Design Change and added Staff and Invoices.
Also i decided to go alpha! cheer :D

But i dont know how to tell sourceforge :(

Posted by Michael Krummen 2009-02-12

Client should be fine

The functionality for clients should be fine now

Posted by Michael Krummen 2009-02-10


I managed to restore the stuff i lost and committed a few classes.
Nothing spezial, but you can get an idea of what i'am doing.

Posted by Michael Krummen 2008-09-22

Lost something

Just lost a lot of work, i shoul learn to backup :/

Posted by Michael Krummen 2008-09-11

Just started

Iam not yet familiar with sourceforge and my vacation just ended, so things here start very slowly.

Posted by Michael Krummen 2008-08-13