
Favalias Application / News: Recent posts

Favalias 1.0 available !

This a stable version. Try it and report any suggestion, bug, new feature...

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2006-05-19

Favalias 0.9.2 available !

Summary of changes in version 0.9.2 :
- You can save/load your favorites and aliases on my web server (, in a Sql Server database). So you can retrieve them everywhere.
I put the default files on the server, you can retrieve them using username/pwd : favalias/favalias (! it will overwrite your current settings !)
- You can type a command even if it is not an alias, for example "iisreset". So Favalias behaves like Windows "Run" window.
- Changed the "cmd" alias to : "run cmd.exe /K date /t & time /t & if exist "%VS71COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ("%VS71COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat") else (echo VS.NET not installed) &" ; so you can use the .NET tools if VS is installed and you can create aliases to launch commands like :
"ip" alias to display your IP addresses -> "cmd ipconfig /all"

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2004-01-30

Favalias 0.9.1 available !

- Added a custom config file reader (in Common project)
- Redirect BabelFishTranslator (to because babelFish web service is down)
- Change ctrl-N & ctrl-J (to navigate in the history) by ctrl-down & ctrl-up
- Display Favalias in the top left corner if the saved location matches a hidden zone (occurs with Virtual PC for example when you switch from full screen)
- Added an option in FormPreferences to enable/disable the automatic startup of Fav

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2004-01-06

Favalias 0.8.7 available!

Summary of changes in version 0.8.7 :

- Added "graburl" addin in Utilities. Useful to launch splitted URLs : copy the multiline URL with ctrl-C and type graburl in Favalias.
- Added support for smart clients (online/offline support) and added aliases for sellsbrothers' smart clients ; you can launch a smart client with : "smart url" (url points to the exe, for example, "")
- added SoundEffect function to Common Utilities for use by all skins (see ArmyMenSkin or SmileySkin projects for sample).
- added Play Skin Sounds checkbox to preferences screen. Sounds are turned on by default but can be turned off by unchecking this new checkbox.
- Show the FormModifyAddins the first time Favalias is launched
- Added InternetConnected method to the Utilities class to check the availability of the internet connection
- Added source code to GotDotNet workspaces (
- SystemInfo addin displays the size of your drives folders.
- In FormAddFavorite : you can now have the same name for many categories, the new favorite will be added to the good one.

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-10-03

New skin available : ArmyMen !! (thanks to dan)

Unzip, drag the ArmyMen.dll onto Favalias with the shift key pressed. Then, go to the preferences menu to test this skin.

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-09-23

Favalias 0.8.4 available !

Summary of changes in version 0.8.4 :

- You can now add an addin dll by dropping it onto Favalias (with the Alt key).
- Added a Smiley skin
- You can now change the skin in the "preferences" menu and see it instantly.
- Removed the "Icon" value in all forms in the VS.NET designer and change it in code (FavaliasCore.dll is reduced from 500 Kb to 244 Kb !!)
- You can now add a skin to Favalias by dropping the dll onto Favalias (with the Shift key pressed). This dll must contain SkinnedFormFavalias, SkinnedAniFormTextBox and SkinnedAniFormLabel classes
- Added FavaliasStartup project to host the Main function
- Added MatrixSkin project
- Renamed FavaliasAddins project to UtilitiesAddins

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-09-08

Favalias 0.8 released !

Summary of changes in version 0.8 :

- Added a Matrix skin.
- New version of SqlConnectionStringBuilder
- Removed the Magic Library

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-09-02

Favalias 0.7 released !

Summary of changes in version 0.7 :

- Change the MessageBox used to display results with Genghis Aniform.
- Add copyright.
- Change the textbox by the Genghis' completion combobox. Ctrl-J and Ctrl-N are now used to navigate in the history. Tab is used to complete the command.
- Add a Common project. It contains CLP, Utilities and AniForms.
- Change the namespaces prefix.
- Hitting the Esc key minimize Favalias to the taskbar.
- New addins :
* In SearchAddins project :
. gg (perform a Google search)
* In FavaliasAddins project :
. alarm (display a message after the specified timespan)

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-08-29

Favalias 0.6 available

- You can use Favalias as a calculator since google has a new calculator function, so you can "evaluate math expressions (5+2*2, 2^20, sine(30 degrees), e^(i pi)+1), units of measure and conversions (100 miles in kilometers, 160 pounds * 4000 feet in Calories), and physical constants (1 a.u./c, G*mass, earth/radius of earth^2). You can also experiment with other numbering systems, including hexadecimal and binary (0x1A in decimal)".
- Change CommandLineParser to support ArrayList fields (so multiple arguments), and fix some bugs (optional parameters, default values, use of ":"...)
- You can specify the modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift, win) for your shortcut key (new project added : SystemHotKey ; KeyboardHook is removed).
- Change the IFavaliasAddin interface : add a Hashtable param to transmit multiple arguments to addins (so we could add new arguments without breaking existing addins). The Hashtable contains "aliasName", "browser", "proxyIP", "proxyPort", "appFolder", "appDataFolder", "addinsFolder".
- Sort variables in SystemInfo Addin.
- New addins :
*In ConverterAddins project :
. htmlencode/htmldecode and urlencode/urldecode addin (thanks to Brian DeMarzo,
. babelfish translator
. worldlingo translator
*In FavaliasAddins project :
. sqlconnec (SQL Server connection string builder ; thanks to Damien Nanquette,

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-08-14

todo list posted

subscribe to (go to )

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-08-04

Favalias 0.5.1 available

- Generate category menus in the aliases menu
- Add a dialog in setup to ask if the user wants automatic startup (-> registry key)
- add Genghis.CommandLineParser with slight modifications in the addins projects.
- The version number is defined as a constant in FavaliasController. AssemblyInfo and FormAbout use it.

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-08-04

Favalias version 0.5 available

Summary of changes in version 0.5 :

- add a new menu "Edit addins" that enables you to choose which addins you want to use.
- add an "icon" element in aliases.xsd. You could use it to specify an icon for your addin.
- add SystemInfo addin ("sysinfo" alias). It displays for the moment the environment variables set on your machine.
- add "timeoutForLoadingFavicons" key in the exe.config to specify how much time we must wait to download favicons.
- Prevents the user from resizing the form in height (not in width).
- You can now use any environment variables in your aliases. For example : [run mmc "%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc"] to launch the IIS console or [run "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin\ildasm"] to launch the MSIL disassembler.

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-08-01

Favalias version 0.4 available

- The bug that prevents Windows from shutting down when Favalias is launched is fixed.
- Added a new "Aliases" menu to launch them using the mouse (even if it was not the primary goal of Favalias).
- Change the way to build addin (the configuration file must now be embedded in the dll).

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-07-30

First Favalias release !

You can download now the first Favalias release !

Posted by jean-christophe magnon 2003-07-22