
Faust released

Grame - Centre National de Creation Musicale - is pleased to announce the release of

Faust AUdio STreams is a powerful and expressive functional programming language for
realtime audio signal processing. The Faust compiler translates DSP specifications
into efficient C++ code.

A variety of plateforms and plugin formats are supported. A single Faust specification
can be used to easily generate JACK and ALSA applications, as well as LADSPA, MAX/MSP,
PD, Q, SC and VST plugins.

In addition to C++ code, the Faust compiler can also generate SVG block-diagram
representations as well as XML descriptions. To easily test the compiler before
installing it, please refer to

The Faust distribution can be downloaded at

What's new :

  • New architecture files :
    . vst2p4.cpp (VST-2.4 architecture file),
    . vsti-mono.cpp (mono VSTi synth architecture file),
    . matlabplot.cpp (architecture file to plot data in Matlab or Octave format).

  • New scripts for a very easy generation of executable applications :
    . faust2alsa (call the faust compiler and g++ to produce an Alsa application),
    . faust2jack (call the faust compiler and g++ to produce a Jack application),
    . faust2plot (call the faust compiler and g++ to produce an plot application),
    . faust2svg (call the faust compiler to produce SVG block-diagrams),
    . faust2firefox,(faust2svg + display with firefox)
    . faust2octave (faust2plot + display with octave)

  • New libraries :
    . filter.lib (Faust filters library)
    . effect.lib (Faust effects library)

  • faust2pd updated to Q 7.8,

  • Improved metadata management : tags are no more limited to a predifined set, metadata are
    now reported as comments in the generated C++ code

  • Support for new --simple-names option when drawing block-diagrams

Bugs fixed :

  • out-of-order generation of complex mutual recursions corrected

  • Lexer modified to support multiplateform end of line

  • Erroneous code sharing corrected


We are grateful to all the contributors of this new release, with special mentions to Albert
Graef and Julius O. Smith. Keep sending us remarks, suggestions, bug reports and

Posted by Yann Orlarey 2008-01-25

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