

Abderrahmane DELLAL


Simple POS Solution that alow the user to add/delete Items, create an invoice and print it and also display the sales history.
I've created this application for a friend of mine, so It's not intended to be a professional application and it's far from being a complete solution. more complete solutions can be found on the web.


the application is in french, you have to translate the StringResources.xaml file in the Ui/Ressources/ Folder to use the application in an another language.


this application was made with wpf using visual studio 2015


The Database is embded using Sql Server Compact and data is stored in the Data.sdf file in the Ui folder


Invoice printing is designed for 80 mm width thermal printers
Sales report printing is designed for A4 printers

launching the application

when launching the app it will ask for a username and a password. you can login using the username/password admin/admin or simple/simple.