
Tree [bf8f72] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 apply.html 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 dupe.html 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 email.txt 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 fastaward.cgi 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 fastaward.gif 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 fastawardcup.gif 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 index.html 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 readme.txt 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 uroaward.jpg 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit
 w3c.png 2021-10-14 n1uro n1uro [bf8f72] Initial commit

Read Me

# FastAwards 1.2a	1998	Jim Reardon				     #
# FastAwards 1.3	2021	Brian Rogers				     #
*Note: This package is free to use as long as you *only* modify strings that
you're instructed to change in this file. You are also not allowed to make
any sort of a profit from this package. If you are caught doing so, you will
be liable to give the author(s) a high percentage of your income no larger
than 50%.

You may begin to edit the following fields in the following files:
- apply.html line 81; url to your home page.
- dupe.html line 72; url to your home page.
- email.txt; You may customize this however you wish.
- fastaward.cgi; All variables between lines 51-104
- index.html line 82; point this to your home page.

Insure all these files reside in the same directory on your web server and that
your server can read/execute those that need execution. Fire up your browser
and give it all a good test.

Most importantly - ENJOY!