



A video is available on youtube with FreeOSX 3.12 on Acer Aspire 5247

A video is available on youtube with FakeOSX3 on Macbook Air

FreeOSX 2.26 is available.

New :
- Faenza icons as default
- New gtk2 theme (freeosx)
- new backgrounds
- update of the plymouth theme
- update of the logos

FreeOSX 3.12 is available

New :
- Faenza icons as default
- Update of Shell-OSX theme and the default Gnome-shell(GS) theme is available again
- Correction of toolbar icons (Vlc, Banshee...)
- New GS extensions
- New plymouth theme
- More Tux pixmaps
- New background
- Update Adwaita-Cupertino theme

Fake OSX became FreeOSX.

Fake osx 3.11 was available last night, but there was a bug with one gnome-shell extension in some languages so we removed it for the moment to correct and complete full tests, the fk 3.10 is now available again.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Fake OSX team

Fake OSX 3.10 is available.

Changelog :
- Update gtk3 theme
- Update gnome-shell theme
- Remove onboard, freeze gnome-shell
- Update icons
- Add tux pixmaps
- Correction of the theme in the software center (background of selected objet in list was too dark)
- Change colors of Nautilus

Fake OSX 3.00 is out.

Based on Ubuntu 11.10, we removed Unity and replace it by gnome shell. We also add a complete and practice machintosh-like desktop theme. We've do other stuff but it would be too long to list it here.

Based on Debian/Ubuntu 11.10
Architecture : 64
Kernel : Linux 3.0.0-12-Generic
Dekstop : Gnome 3.2.1
File browser : Nautilus 3.2.1 and Marlin 0.1
Web browser : Firefox 10.0.1
Ubuntu security updates until april 2013

Fake OSX 1.20 available.

Changelog :
- Update gtk2 theme
- Update icons
- Add compiz auto-install
- Add applications submenu in gnome-menu
- New logos
- Fonts by default at 12 instead of 10
- Add quickhelp
- Corection of "about"

First release of Fake OSX 1.00

Based on Debian/Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Architecture : 64
Kernel : Linux 2.6.32-33-Generic
Desktop : Gnome 2.30.2
File browser : Nautilus 2.31.1
Web browser : Firefox 9.0.1
Ubuntu security updates until april 2013