
fail2ban-0.7.6 released

Here is a new beta release of Fail2ban. This version is still considered as beta because two important changes appear in this release:

1) The installation directory moved from /usr/lib/fail2ban to /usr/share/fail2ban
2) "failregex" and "ignoreregex" now support multiple regular expressions

This release contains a few minor bug fixes too. Please look at the CHANGELOG for a more complete list of changes.

Focus is still on documentation. Any help in this area would be appreciate (howto, FAQ, corrections of my poor English, etc). This can be done directly by editing the wiki.

I created several new pages on the wiki. They are regrouped here:

The idea is to list in these pages the logging messages that should be matched by Fail2ban. And this for each service/software.

The goal is to provide the best regular expressions which match these messages. The proposed regular expressions can be discussed on the discussion page of each software.

Please, do not hesitate to contribute, discuss or edit the wiki. The best way to see what changed on the wiki is to look at:

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

Posted by Cyril Jaquier 2013-06-03

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