

Wim Vriend Stanisław Halik




The Accela-filter was created by Stanislaw, because the EWMA2-filter was 'not so steady' when not moving. So pressing buttons in the cockpit with face-tracking ON, was difficult.

If you have questions, remarks or compliments you want to share with us, please post them here: [discussion:accela]


The accela-filter uses acceleration and speed to determine 'the next' position. It's a big improvement.


Involved configuration required to make it work in the first place.


The curve of the Accela rotations and translations is very optimised and should only be changed, when absolutely necessary. To use Accela, it is important that smoothing (main window of FaceTrackNoIR) is set to "1".

The Settings-screen of Accela looks like this:

Accela Settings

The reduction factor was introduced for PointTracker and speeds up response of the filter. In exchange for stability.


Discussion: New user for Rise of Flight
Discussion: Slight delay in actual head movement response in-game
Discussion: accela
Discussion: Curious raw input values from EDTracker
Discussion: Filtering Question
Wiki: Filters
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