I was trying out the FaceTrackNoIR with the Tobii Eyetracker 5 device. The headmovement with the mouse lock works great (btw. really great application thank you for providing such an interface).
I was wondering if it's possible to map the GazeX and GazeY of the Tobii device to the X and Y in the Mouse Lock settings such that you could aim with the eyes in a game. I attached a screenshot.
My goal is to let someone who can't move his head to aim with the eyes.
Hello there
I was trying out the FaceTrackNoIR with the Tobii Eyetracker 5 device. The headmovement with the mouse lock works great (btw. really great application thank you for providing such an interface).
I was wondering if it's possible to map the GazeX and GazeY of the Tobii device to the X and Y in the Mouse Lock settings such that you could aim with the eyes in a game. I attached a screenshot.
My goal is to let someone who can't move his head to aim with the eyes.
Thanks for helping out and have a great weekend.
I just reread the article about the Tobii Eyetracker 5 here:
It says:
So I think my question is answered for the moment and that the gaze option will not be available at the moment.
Sorry for bothering you and thank you.