
FarmingSimulator 22

  • Christian Quaynor

    im trying to get this working in farming simulator 22.
    FS22 already has bulit-in support for both trackIR and tobii and tobii works out of the box. The problem is that the integration in-game is very poor and extremely jittery. This is why i wanted to use facetracknoir instead of the built-in tracker, but i cant for the life of me get it to work. However, when fiddeling with it i managed to get it working very briefly -but lost it again and cant seem to get it back.

    i have installed ftnIR and dl the tobii plugin. it seems to work (i see the pictureframe move when frnIR is open) but in-game i dont see it, as the games buildtin plugin takes presidence(i guess, since any changes i make in the settings of ftnIR is not ported over to the game)

    I have reinstalled several times, both with and without the plugins pack.

    any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2022-08-21

    Hello Christian,

    If you have a moving 'man in black' and selected the FreeTrack protocol for the game, you are 'ready' on the FaceTrackNoIR side. Re-installing will not do anything, since the installer merely copies the files to the folder.

    The changes should be made on the game-side. You should 'enable TrackIR' and see to it, that the Tobii interface is disabled. Unfortunately I don't have the game, so I cannot be more specific.

    Maybe there is a FS22 forum, where you can also post your question?

  • Christian Quaynor

    managed to make it work now, thank you for your help 

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2022-08-22

    Hello Christian,

    Good job! Perhaps you can share your insights?

  • Christian Quaynor

    i dont know how much i can contribute i dont like the games native support, as it uses eyetracking without any way to modify curves or usage, so the camera becomes very jittery this is why i wanted to use your program instead, since eye-tracking is off and i can modify the movements with curves i havent quite gotten it to when i want it yet, but its a massive upgrade from the native support from Giants (creators of Farming Simulator)
    Ive looked in their forums, but the last qurstion was over a year old, and still not answered, so i didnt see the point of trying their support in this matter

  • Matthias Weseloh

    Hello, I have the same problem as Christian Quaynor. I have installed the tobii experience, the facetracknoir and the tobii 5 plugin. No matter what I set in facetracknoir, nothing changes in the LS22. It seems as if the information for head tracking is processed by the Tobii software and not by Facetraknoir. Can you help me there?

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2023-11-11

    Hello Matthias,

    Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you have pressed Start? Maybe something catches my eye (no pun intended ;)

    Like I mentioned before: for Farming you need the FreeTrack protocol and in the Farming game-settings you must 'enable TrackIR' (or something similar).

    If you see the 'man in black' move, then you are at least halfway.


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