
Tobii 5

  • Augusto Schoonewolff

    Very early question since it was just released, but any plans to support
    Tobii 5?

    I am using 4c and very happy with it on my old PC but didn't move that
    whole setup to the new one because the new one has a widescreen. I just got
    a Tobii 5 to test the widescreen and I am very happy with it but
    FaceTrackNoIR can only see the gazeX and gazeY values nothing else works :).


    Augusto Schoonewolff

  • MDKagent007

    MDKagent007 - 2020-07-28
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Alexander Röhr

    Alexander Röhr - 2020-09-29

    Any updates on Tobii 5 support for headtracking?

    • MDKagent007

      MDKagent007 - 2020-09-29
      Post awaiting moderation.
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-09-30

    Hi everyone,

    Actually, I now have both the equipment and the SDK, to create the Tobii 5 tracker plugin.
    Now all I need is a little bit of free time :)

  • Alexander Röhr

    Alexander Röhr - 2020-09-30

    Thats nice to hear! :) Today I made a new clean install from FaceTrackNoIR and it seems to work with the Tobii 5 tracker now.

  • Jonathan Bayer

    Jonathan Bayer - 2020-11-04

    How did you make it work? I just tried removing all the Facetrack stuff, installed and this time only had the Tobii 5 tracker, but it isn't working for me

  • Alexander Röhr

    Alexander Röhr - 2020-11-05

    Is TobiiEyeX running? The Eye Tracking works for me immediately but the head tracking takes around 2-3min till it starts.

    It looks like the Plugin for the Tobii5 got already released, works even better :)


    Last edit: Alexander Röhr 2020-11-05
    • Wim Vriend

      Wim Vriend - 2020-11-06

      That's correct: the new tracker was released. You can get it in the files section or via: tobii tracker page

      For me, the new Tobii 5 tracker starts headtracking very quickly (few seconds).

      • Alexander Röhr

        Alexander Röhr - 2020-11-06

        Works also perfectly fine for me, thank you very much for the update!

  • Jonathan Bayer

    Jonathan Bayer - 2020-11-06

    After a few days of frustration, it started working. I did a reboot since the last time, I suppose that may have helped.

    Both head and eye tracking started almost immediatly


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