
Access to Tobii Gaze Data via UDP

  • Matthew Neal

    Matthew Neal - 2022-09-07

    I've had really good success implementing the Tobii5 Tracker with FaceTrackNoIR, so thanks for the work on this integration. It has been very useful!

    In my current use cases, I'm sending head tracking data to other applications using the FaceTrackNoIR UDP protocol plugin. I'd also like to have access to the GazeX and GazeY data via the UDP protocol as well. Is there any way to access this Gaze data in other applications from the UDP messaging? I believe you only get XYZ / Yaw, Pitch, Roll currently via UDP. Thanks!

  • Gavin

    Gavin - 2023-03-29

    yeah i was hoping to know this too

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2023-03-29

    Hello Gavin, Matthew,

    I suppose this could be added to the UDP protocol, since the data is present and should only have to be relayed. I will look into this!

    • Gavin

      Gavin - 2023-03-30

      cool thanks for your fast response! looking forward to seeing the relay.
      it would be awesome to get that gaze data. :)

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2023-03-30

    I will look into it and send you a PM, when I have something you can test ;)

    • Gavin

      Gavin - 2023-03-30

      yeah just got your PM and replied. thanks for the awesome support!

    • Matthew Neal

      Matthew Neal - 2023-03-30

      Great, thanks and much appreciated!


      Last edit: Matthew Neal 2024-01-17
  • Gavin

    Gavin - 2023-04-03

    I've tested and confirm that the updated dll which sends UDP packets with gaze points very well.

    For anyone who is using the UDP packet, it consists of six doubles for XYZ & PYR, 6 bytes for frame counts(?), and two doubles for the gaze point x and y.

  • Gavin

    Gavin - 2023-04-03

    I've tested and confirm that the updated dll which sends UDP packets with gaze points very well.

    For anyone who is using the UDP packet, it consists of six doubles for XYZ & PYR, 6 bytes for frame counts(?), and two doubles for the gaze point x and y.

    • Shelly Morgan

      Shelly Morgan - 2024-01-14

      Is the newly updated dll publically available? I would love to use it in my project if possible.

  • Frederick De Cock

    Dear Wim

    I'm really impressed by this software, and it does exactly what I want to use it for in the 'gamification' of an Air Traffic Control simulation environment.

    Two questions/remarks:
    1/ I also would have a very good use case for the gaze x/y via UDP. I would be very grateful if this could be shared.
    2/ Related to above, when using the CSV protocol, the gaze x/y has a scientific formatting but it way less accurate than what is display in 'raw values' for gaze x/y. Would it not be possible to write the exact gaze x/y values as displayed there to the CSV output file?

    Many thanks & best regards



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