
problem with ps3 eye and delanclip: multiplicated view in videowidget, pointtracker not working

  • waltjohnson

    waltjohnson - 2016-12-07

    I dont know whats the reason for this. Freetrack 2.2 with PT plugin and CL-Eye Test are working fine. I´ve already uninstalled all cam drivers and Facetracknoir v2.0, reinstalled it, even with uninstalled Freetrack, but nothing changes. :/
    Before trying Delanclip and the cam, that comes with it, i had it working with faceapi and a non modified ps3 eye.
    Unfortuneatly the guys at Delan Engineering had no solution for this. Btw OS is windows 7 64bit.
    Any clues on this anyone?

    Thx in advance


    Last edit: waltjohnson 2016-12-07
  • WL

    WL - 2016-12-08

    what if you use with a normal remote control instead of the delan clip?Do you also see multiple dots?If you use cl-eye test, isn't the image out of focus??How far are you sitting from your webcam?
    You also don't have selected a Filter I see.
    Could you post your settings rearding your model, used resolution, used fps, values point Extraction.
    Did you by setting up use the guide on the Delan clip site?
    DON'T INSTALL the old version of Ftnoir as written there but only take a look at the used settings.He uses 30fps as a resolution, if you have working in the right way you can always try it with higher fps

  • waltjohnson

    waltjohnson - 2016-12-08

    One thing i forgot to mention is that the picture in the videowidget isnt just multiplicated, it also appears to be interlaced.
    RC makes no difference. In cl-eye test everything is fine. The cam was part of the Delan Gamer Package and has its IR filter removed and a daylight filter attached already. I set everything up according exactly to the Delan manual. I am sitting about 40-50 cm away from cam. The cam is set to 24bit 640x480 @ 60fps. Ive tried 30 fps too, but without difference.
    Filter doesnt seem to be relevant at this point since its only dealing with tracking stabilisation. But i tried it too without any difference.
    The strange thing is that in Freetrack 2.2 there isnt any multiplicated image. It tracks nicely there without any strange behaviour.
    But Freetrack has no real support for 64bit games. I like Facetracknoir way more than Freetrack since it can flip x axis when looking back in virtual cockpit.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2016-12-09

    Hello Walt,

    It seems to me that there is a problem with the video-stream, maybe combined with the DirectX functions that are used (though CL-eye test also uses DirectX).

    I have seem similar problems, when patching the webcam through to a VMWare machine.

    Maybe you can try ManyCam, to see if that gives the same result?
    BTW: If you try the un-modified PS3Eye again (with the PointTracker plugin) does this also happen?

  • waltjohnson

    waltjohnson - 2016-12-09

    Hello Wim,

    thx a lot! with manycam it works. :)
    But, is there maybe a way to get it working without manycam? That would be the optimal solution, since it takes more of the cpu capacities, than running headtracking without it.
    Unfortuneatly i cant test it with the non modified ps3eye since i gave it away.


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