
Swapped "Pitch down" and "Pitch up" curves

  • Billy

    Billy - 2015-06-08

    I've read a post here of people with this issue since 2 years with devs posting acknowledging the issue, but really two years later isn't any workaround for this?

    When my real head pitches up, it takes the pitch down curve, and that curve has a maximum of 90º, for example games like IL-2 BoS with that setting, the pilot head barely pitches up 50º.

    So i want to know if really there's no workaround for this bug after 2 years.

    P.S. Just in case. As the ID of IL-2 BoS didn't worked when added to the supportedgames.csv, i had to edit the game "startup.cfg" to enable old trackir support and make the facetracknoir to think the game is Rinse of Flight.

  • Antonio

    Antonio - 2015-07-06

    Did you try v.170 hotfix?


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