
PS3eye Point tracker 1.1 not working (0 FPS) - How to troubleshoot?

  • Jari Kaartinen

    Jari Kaartinen - 2017-05-04


    Is there any logging that I could use to investigate what is causing the point tracker to not to work with my WIndows 10 installation?

    Facetrack Noir v200 with plugins installed
    Windows 10 64 bit

    Point tracking does not work. Only black screen or sometimes some flickering.

    Facetracking works well. I can see picture in the screen.
    Booting with a disk with clean Windows 10 installation Point tracking works.

    Why I need to troubleshoot:
    I just dont want to reinstall all my software and stuff.
    Windows logs don't show anything.

    One more note: The Windows 10 install that works does not have the Creators update. The one that does not work has it.

    Solved it by installing clean Windows 10. Point tracking works like a charm now.


    Last edit: Jari Kaartinen 2017-05-04
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-05-04

    Hello Jari,

    I assume you have a working 3-point IR-LED apparatus?
    Can you post a screenshot? You can use the video-widget from the PointTracker Settings-dialog.

    You should see 3 nice round LEDs and the status is updated in the video-widget.

  • Jari Kaartinen

    Jari Kaartinen - 2017-05-04


    Yes, if I boot with another HDD that has pretty much clean Windows 10 install (without the latest Creator update), I can see the IR leds in the screen and all is working well. It seems that something in my system is messing the Pointracker in some way.

    UDP tracker and Facetracker work fine so I assume it is only tied to Point Tracker.

    Actually I decided to let my 4 year old installation to go now and install Windows 10 from scratch. So I am letting go and forget the troubleshooting. I just desperately need the point tracker back. I will update here what was the result. As if reinstall does not help, it migh be some update in Windows.

    Wim, now that you are here, I need to thank you for this great piece of software :-)

  • Jari Kaartinen

    Jari Kaartinen - 2017-05-04

    Here is the capture of what I see.

    With Opentrack it is the same, only FPS is 1 in OT.


    Last edit: Jari Kaartinen 2017-05-04
  • Jari Kaartinen

    Jari Kaartinen - 2017-05-04

    Clean install of Windows 10 solved the issue.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-05-05

    Hello Jari,

    Thank you for your update: I'm glad it's working now!


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