
FTNoIR displays my joystick devices but they do not work within your software.

  • Santi-Tetra

    Santi-Tetra - 2020-07-10

    Hello again community:
    This time I write to you because, seeing the different benefits of FTNoIR, I found that it can also make the game image interact with the joystick device that is connected to the PC.
    I have a steering whell (Fanatec CSL Elite) and an Xbox 360 controller connected to my PC. I don't know if they can be considered joystick devices.
    The truth is that in the FTNoIR configuration window they appear as an option (two screenshots attached). But when I select them and try to configure them in the game they do nothing. For example, I move the steering wheel left and right, and the image remains static; It doesn't move.
    I think that some step I'm doing wrong or that I don't configure any other parameter well. So I turn to your help.
    A greeting!!

  • WL

    WL - 2020-08-02

    Hello Santi-Tetra,
    I use an Edtracker as primary tracker(=1st or master) and some axis of my joystick as secondary tracker(=2nd).The Edtracker is used for yaw, pitch and roll.Two axis of my VKB-Gunfighter are used for Rz(=zoom) and Ry( move head up and down).
    In your pictures you have selected Face-api(your webcam) as primary tracker(=1st or master).He overrules your other tracker sources.I made a video of how my settings are.Rx the axis which makes your body move from left to right is combined with the yaw-axis

    • Santi-Tetra

      Santi-Tetra - 2020-08-02

      Hello WL,
      Thanks for the info. However, I can tell you that I've already used the Face-api as the primary tracker and my joystick as the 2nd tracker. In the secondary tracker (joystick) I've configured the Rz and Pitch axis. Both trackers are working correctly and simultaneously.
      Thank you, I insist, for your help and for worrying about my problems.
      Add that, at the time, I wrote in this thread that I managed to make both trackers work simultaneously, but it's clear that I didn't take any steps to publish my post and, until today, with your response, I've not noticed this circumstance. I apologize to all of you for my mistake.
      A greeting and I reiterate my thanks.
      This forum is very good !!


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