
vJoy from shauleiz

  • Andrea Spada

    Andrea Spada - 2019-04-04

    Hi! I use vJoy from shauleiz, cause I need more than two virtual devices. I want to provide a protocol to talk with it, not to the headsoft – which cannot be side installed. Have you some directions to point to? Or I just fork the git source and work on that?


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  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2019-04-04

    Hello Andrea,

    I think it's not so hard to create a protocol plugin for 'the other' vJoy too. However, I'm not sure if Ben will appreciate it ...

    You are in fact the first user who wants to use more than two. Do you really need it?
    Maybe you can use GlovePie to send the data?

    • Andrea Spada

      Andrea Spada - 2019-04-05

      Well, indeed it's somewhat a weird need. I use a spacemouse, which need to be configured at least in twice devices, and I need another one for a second device. So, yes, I need "the other" vjoy, unlees there's a way to create mote then two devices. Actually, I never understood why the hard coded limit...

      In regard GlovePIE, I use FreePIE for many things. Yes, I can use it to catch the trackir or freetrack input, and remap to a vjoy, but I don't get very good results.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2019-04-05

    Hello Andrea,

    The SpaceMouse looks interesting! However, I do not really understand your problem.

    It may help if you provide some more information. For which game (or other) do you want to use headtracking? I suppose you use the Spacemouse 'like a normal mouse'? Don't the drivers of it provide a joystick -like interface?

  • Andrea Spada

    Andrea Spada - 2019-04-05

    Sure, let me explain better.

    The SpaceMouse drivers are broken. They do not provide usable axes movements anymore: they do not return to the center, and the are long integer, so they need to be transformed in short and, also, to calculate their delta. So, I'm using Joystick Gremlin to provide the first layer of normalization (the one which works best: already used FreePIE for this, which do not work very well, and UCR, which is still in alpha/beta stage), then I process the first output - which is normalized to the first vJoy device, in FreePIE, to have two different kind of response, absolute and relative, with a smooth decay.

    I play in Elite Dangerous, and I use a set of axes as normal flight model, and the other set as alternative, for when I'm in supercruise, to allow for smoother orbital and cruise paths.

    I also need a third set to be used when I left the ship and enter the rover, which need a totally different interaction. I would like to be able to control the rover turret with my head, when deployed, so the need/search for a way to provide facetracking to a couple of axes...

    So, I need three set of axes in game, and a fourth one as a preliminary bridge, to feed FreePIE with usable values!!!

    I also use a Nostromo, by Razer, which can be directly mapped to a joystick, so this one do not need any vJoy device.

    Probably, the most easy solution would be to talk to Headsoft and ask for a version which provide four or more devices. I tried that, but it seems that the website backend is do not working anymore, and I'm not able to send email to them...
    That's why I thought in an alternate vJoy protocol to talk to "the other" ;)

    Hope that's clarify better my needs.


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2019-04-12

    Hi Andrea,

    Sorry for my late reply.

    Your demands are very complicated! There are two thought that jumped into my mind:
    1. Elite Dangerous is compatible with the FreeTrack protocol of FaceTrackNoIR. So for the camera movement you do not need vJoy IMO;
    2. You mention the drivers of the SpaceMouse are 'broken'. Have you contacted the supplier about that?


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