
Need testers for HT tracker

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  • Stanisław Halik

    There's code lying on

    It requires Qt (whatever version), CMake and OpenCV 2.4.2 or later.

    For the love of $DEITY, please test it and report back. If it works badly, please report logged reprojection error.

    Aha, you have to know your camera's FOV. Create a config.txt in the same dir as the program and type there:

    field_of_view 69.0

    That's an example for my Logitech C525 garbage cam.

    There are many more tweaks available, look at config.cpp, there are docs there.

  • Stanisław Halik

    Double post time!

    Use UDP tracker, standard port 5500 and launch using headtracker-demo.exe

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-09-28

    Hey sthalik, just wanted to mention that I may get to it before the weekend is over.  I've never used CMake that I know of and also OpenCV.  But will give it a try this weekend.  I'm still wanting to get some good tests in with the tracker Patrick made, too.  Then again, my time is going to be somewhat hit and miss this weekend because our oldest dog may pass away today anytime, and is going to hit us very hard as a family.  I never knew an animal could hold such value in the hearts of the one's that shared each others love.

    Well, back to the subject at hand.  I hope to give it a try by the end of the weekend.


  • Stanisław Halik

    Thanks for your help again, Scott!

    No need to rush. The tracker will go through many revisions still. Just get back to me when you find the time.


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    Sorry sthalik, I was never able to read up on CMake and how to build the version.  But, what version does c14-radioactive have packaged with his point tracker?  or maybe I didn't see it right, is it packaged with his point tracker?


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    Okay, been trying to use CMake and get the following error.


    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:20 (set_property):
      set_property could not find CACHE variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.  Perhaps it
      has not yet been created.

    I feel really unknowledgable asking this, but, what does this exactly mean?  or better yet, What am I missing if anything?  Do you need the whole error message or build text to understand the error?

    Thanks, Scott

  • Stanisław Halik

    It doesn't build properly under Windows due to my lack of CMake-fu. Try adding a cache variable manually in cmake GUI, like, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to release.

    Also you have to set CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR to the same directory as your Qt prefix. This is due to CMake brain damage.

  • Stanisław Halik

    Also note that I haven't yet committed and pushed the latest changes to the tracker, this will result in issues. But get it built for now and let's talk about this later.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    Now I'm REALLY feeling unknowledgeble?!  I'm twisting my brain around what you said, and get nothing, it's like my brain is empty.  I don't quite understand how to do this.  Do I do it by editing the CMakeLists.txt file?  Sorry for my lack of "smarts" when it comes to programming, all I basically know is I "learn by doing" and never had any textbook knowledge on programming unless you acknowledge some basic Apple2c programming way back in the mid-to-late 80's.  Now I'm feeling really old.  (Man I hate that feeling!  hehe) 


  • Stanisław Halik

    Start the GUI, press configure once, let it fail, click 'add variable', type 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' as key, 'release' as value, then configure again. It should fail with a different error.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    How about…


    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:13 (message):
      Unknown build type


    THANKS for helping if I forget to tell you.

  • Stanisław Halik

    What did you type as the build type? Did you type release without the quotes?

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    Okay, now I'm getting somewhere.  When I press the "Add Entry" button, I have to say what type (example= BOOL, PATH, FILEPATH, STRING), I left it at BOOL the first time, but this time I used STRING, is that the one I use?


  • Stanisław Halik

    Yes! :)

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    I have no errors.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13


  • Stanisław Halik

    What's your CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR? Is it the same as Qt dir? Because it's strange that it gives you no errors if these directories are different. If it can't find Qt, it won't be able to build anyway.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    I forgot to set that entry.  But I got this…


    Found Windows SDK v7.1: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\
    Configuring directory C:/headtracker2/headtracker-demo
    Copying file /haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml
    Copying file /haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml
    Copying file /haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml
    Copying file /haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml
    Copying file /haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml
    Copying file /head-BACKUP.raw
    Copying file /head.raw
    Configuring done
    Generating done


  • Stanisław Halik

    After I manage to fix QFunctionConfigurator once and for all, I'll commit the latest headtracker work.

    It now works with points spaced well apart, but some other bug manifested and I can't push to repo with it present.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    SO, does that mean I cannot try it out with the sthalik-headtracker-6715706 download?  What about earlier downloads like, sthalik-headtracker-53987d2 or sthalik-headtracker-9f41930?


  • Stanisław Halik

    There's some long-standing bug with how the face model's eyes are positioned. They're pointing upward, and if you look upward too, the eyes of the mesh won't be on your eyes, causing the whole model to break, e.g. eyes to slide off the position where the eyes should be.

    This is especially evident when not just looking up, but looking up and turning the head left/right.

    I wonder if the model of the human face that the artist made is anatomically correct in that aspect, if not, I'll have to straighten up the upper part of the face in Blender or something.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    Have you been using Blender long?  AI ask because even though I have had it installed on the computer for quite some time now, I haven't really explored it's capabilities.

  • Stanisław Halik

    I know it enough to do simple edits of the face mesh.

    Can you look at it (head.raw, import via the .raw plugin in Blender) and tell me if the upper part of the face isn't skewed forward more upper given vertex is? like, instead of flat, it's getting closer to the screen.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2012-10-13

    It really isn't a very good model, or is it.  I'm loking at how the forehead is pointy, but otherwise looks okay I think.  I just noticed Blender can import MakeHuman (.mhx) files, and I think I may have that on this computer to try and make a likeness of my head.  I think it was freeware, but I don't recall how detailed it got.  Could that program be of good use to you?

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